adopted chinchilla advice? bonding?

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Jun 20, 2013
Hello i Adopted my chinchilla zero last week his age is unknown I realize he is still getting used to me and his new surrounding s does anyone have any tips on helping us bond? He's very shy but approach es me from time to time when he's running around free and I pet him on the head and he runs away. Its no problem to pick him up but he struggles and pees.I am not forcing it but would like him be more affectionate. Do you think he will come around with time or is his personality just more to himself? Any tips or advice would be wonderful thank you
When they pee like that its because they are scared just go up to him & talk to him & try not to handle him as much at first until he seems more comfortable with you. Also giving him a treat & such will let him know you are not going to hurt him, but don't over do it in the treats
Hi Mellissa. My little boy is 4 mo old, got him about 10 wks. I never try to pick him up. I talked to him for hrs every day and put my hand in the cage. After about a wk he would jump on my palm. He sits and lets me pet him for 5 to 10 min but he will not tolerate any grip around his body. I have never given him treats besides willow sticks. He gets so excited to see me and wants my attention all the time. Be patient, hard to do but so worth it.
Time is the best thing. Even tho we have a need to make it as fast as possible, time is what they require. I adopted my first chin as well. He was a full grow adult, but age is unknown. He was so freaked you could not even step near his cage. It took a lot of time and patience but he came around. Now out of my 5 chins, he is the most friendliest and personable chin of them all! Its truly amazing. Just be patient'
Hi Mellissa, with any new animal in new surroundings they all take time to adjust. Being persistent with talking and letting your hand be smelt by and jumped on by your new chin is a very good thing as well.

You could also give him or her a organic shreddie as you feel he or she has done something good to connecting with you. This to your chin is a reward so ensuring your chin that it is safe to do what its doing.

I give all my chins a shreddie every morning. The know when I am in the room and will come to the front of their cage and let me grab them and hold them and at that time I treat them.

You could try that and see if that helps you as well with bonding with your new friend.

Please feel free to ask any questions if you should have any for me.
I sit by the cage and read out load for the first few weeks just to let them get comfortable with my voice. Then I just put my hands in the cage and let them come to me. You can start to give a treat at certain points on your arm to try to get them up to your shoulder. Just give it lots of time. Go at your chins pace and ask lost of questions.