Adding another chin?

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Well-known member
May 25, 2011
I have a 5 month old female chinchilla. I know that I should have bought two at the same time but the breeder was keeping the sister to my chinchilla. What are my chances of being able to introduce another female to my chin? I have had 3 rescued chins at one time previously. Started out with one and added another and another. We never had any problems but we also dont know what the sex of the chins were. I was about 11 at the time so that was about 10 years ago. We also never had any kits with those three.
Id really appreciate your input thank you so much ahead of time.
I introduced 5 chinchillas (none previously bonded) without much of an issue for a while. Eventually my first two, after being together for almost a year, had to be permanently separated. Now I have 2 in one cage and 3 in another. It seems to me that keeping pairs are easier than trios+, and introducing them young is easier than introducing adults. I'm not sure about introducing a 5 month old to another chinchilla unless she is also young.
I would be buying a younger chin as I know it would be tougher to bond an older and a younger. I have her in a FN142 so if it didnt work out I could easily seperate them. Thanks