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Jax Chinchilla Rescue
Jan 29, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
My best friend is in labor and I am stuck at work. This wouldn't be such a huge deal, but her mother just got out of the hospital 3 days ago with H1N1. What this means is that she isn't allowed anywhere near the maternity ward, or her daughter. Samantha had to call 911 just to get to the hospital. She is contracting every minute and is already 4 centimeters dialated. They were about to break her water when she was on the phone with me. She is ALONE! I called every single other person who works here and the earliest anyone cal get here is 8:30 (it's 7:05 right now)! I am going out of my mind. I wish I worked at a job where I could just leave, but being it's a hotel and I am the only one here right now, I can't do that. I can't believe my manager was all "Well, I'm on my way to church...sorry! I'll be there after". UGH!

Please pray for her and the baby. Please also pray that the baby will wait to make his entrance until I can get there. I don't want her to have to do this alone. They are giving her an epidural in a few, so hopefully she won't be in too much pain, but I am so worried about her and so pissed off at my entire staff here....
Also, I know the baby probably isn't going to make his entrance for awhile, but I know when they break the water you can dialate really quickly which is what is scaring the poop our of me right now.

Please ignore any spelling errors and such. I am just a bit spastic right now.
I am praying for her, I hope you can make it in time!

Poor girl, it must be horrible to be alone.
If its her first baby, I bet it will wait for you! I hope she has an easy delivery and healthy baby. Best wishes!

I'm hoping so! She went from 1-3 centimeters in less than an hour so that's what is worrying me. I just called her and they have no broken her water yet, so I have hope! They are giving her an epidural first, and the anistesiologist hasn't been up yet. Hopefully he gets there fast, but then the doctor takes his time getting there to break her water.
I'm hoping so! She went from 1-3 centimeters in less than an hour so that's what is worrying me.

She could be at 3 centimeters for awhile, so don't worry. Some moms progress really rapidly but I think most of us aren't so lucky! Hopefully the anesthesiologist gets there before they break her water. Once that water cushion is gone, it hurts! :eek:

Share the good news when the baby arrives!
Oh she's not alone. They bug the devil out of you every five seconds watching those monitors. And then the nurse will be bed side for a while handing your friend back her fingernails after the epideral. :hilarious:
Sorry....I can't help myself. I squeezed my nurses fingers clean off when they put the needle in. I didn't cry out or yell or anything like that. But I nearly broke her fingers.
Your friend will be fine. I promise you if you don't make it in time she will get through it perfect. The doctor and nurses are wonderful. It's what they do for a living. And your so darned busy trying to birth a baby that an atom bomb could go off and you could care less.
Best of luck to mom and baby. You better post pictures!!!
Thousands of babies are born without anyone there everyday, and thousands are born without epidurals ( which slow down labor by the way )... I have two in my house.

If you can't stand pain for your baby, who can you stand it for?

Everything will work out the way it was meant to work out.
my water broke at 6 am on a friday morning and i did not have my son until saturday morning at 10:15 and that was by emergency c-section!!
i am praying you have time!!!!
Calm down hun - it takes a long while to have a first baby (usually). Heck, I was dilated to 3 for 2 weeks prior to labor. I went into labor with Pierce at around 5ish AM on a Saturday morning (the day after he was due). I took a shower and went back to bed until around 7:30 when I told my then husband to get up and take me to the hospital. We got to the hospital around 8, after stopping by the Minit Mart to get a can of snuff (UGH!). Thankfully, my doctor was already there, cuz his wife was being induced in the room next door. He broke my water at 9, epidural man came at 11, and Pierce was born at 5 PM after pushing with 2 contractions. I promise, I could have played cards the entire time. Oh...and Pierce beat the doc's wife's baby by 5 hours! :)
Ha! Show's ya'll! She was only in labor for 6 hours! No labor quickening drugs or anything. She only pushed a total of 6 times and he came right out. No tearing or anything. Baby and mom are doing great. Pictures soon to come!

(is it ok to post newborn nudity? 90% of the pictures show baby parts. :p)
Baby Pictures!

Michael Sean
Born 12:15am
8lbs 11oz
201/2 inches




My one friend's first labor was 2 1/2 hours, she second... 1 1/2 hours... her last one... 45 min. but I wasn't going to say that before, lol.
Well, this was also with an epidural, which usually slows down the process. I can't imagine how quick she would have gone without one.

When I got there at 9am she was 3 centimeters, 10:30 she was 6 centimeters, 12:30 she was all the way dilated. 6 pushes later, and Michael was here. :D