Accidental escape and spraying!

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Well-known member
May 23, 2011
Cohoes, NY
Well I am officially initiated by Delilah! I was sprayed last night for the first time.
I had an accidental escape of the baby while cleaning their cage and Delilah was out of her cage for playtime.
Lets just say Delilah was not happy with the intrusion and the baby was interested in being friends. It took me a minute to catch Buffy, meanwhile Delilah was trying to bite her tail and they stood up on hind legs and charged each other, I assume that is bad!

I finally got the baby safely back to the cage but Delilah was NOT happy! She stood on her hind legs and sprayed me every time I tried to pick her up! I must say it was pretty hilarious and 15 minutes later she was back to her old sweet self.

Never been sprayed by a chin before, thank god it does not smell like cat urine!
It took me a minute to catch Buffy, meanwhile Delilah was trying to bite her tail and they stood up on hind legs and charged each other, I assume that is bad!

I finally got the baby safely back to the cage but Delilah was NOT happy! She stood on her hind legs and sprayed me every time I tried to pick her up! I must say it was pretty hilarious and 15 minutes later she was back to her old sweet self.

Sounds like Delilah was being territorial. Since the baby got her all wound up she was probably still on the defense when you tried to get her. Glad it ended well, and that no one got hurt. Chin urine isn't that bad... after awhile you start to get used to it with females ;)
my girl likes to tear off peices of the wall and try to eat them. And if you attempt to stop her she will get highly defencive and start spraying. The first time it happened i was like 0.0 .... did that just happen? Took a second for what jsut happened to sink in lol
Lol im so glad i have a male chinchilla. My chin likes to eat the wall to. Except instead of spaying he squeaks and trys to bite my hand..
Males can spray too, TmG.
I have a new male who sprayed me when I tried getting him out the carrier! Couldn't help but laugh though because when he sprayed I could count like 8 rolls on him.

I get sprayed every-time I clean one of my females cages. They have good aim!