acai berry?

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defender of all animals
Jan 29, 2009
Has anyone heard of or used Acai Berry drink/pills? Supposedly it gives you more energy and can help you lose weight. I know...I know...everything in moderation and diet and exercise but can you blame me for wanting to cheat a little? :laughitup:

Since I hit 40 my energy has gone kaput. :tired:
My mom is a Mona Vie agent and she said it has boosted her energy a little bit. She got a boost in energy when she changed her diet last year but she has since then, slacked off and is now back to square one. With Mona Vie she gets the nutrients she would be getting if she were to actually eat the correct servings of fruits and veggies.

My aunt however who sold it to my mom insists the acai berry in the drink is a miracle super fruit that has given her all this energy, stamina, and glow. She said her kid has been calmer and she sleeps better (yadda yadda yadda). She is also exercising more, is on some other diet, and is seeing a nutritionist.

So I guess my answer is yes it works if you are looking to balance your diet. No it won't be the super cure everyone is looking for.
Acai berry is really good for you and really does some amazing things. It doesn't make you lose 50 lbs. in a day like some of the crazy diet/pill makers say but it does aid in losing weight amongst a lot of other things. Here's a really good, short article on studies they did:

Acai berry is sooooo good for you and those drinks have always helped me. When I do my liquid fasts I always include acai in there :thumbsup:
Oh I almost forgot, for anyone that likes sorbet, try the Organic Acai Sorbet by Sambazon, it's a very UNIQUE flavor but has no added sugar and I really like it. Now some people don't...because the flavor is unique, it's not really sweet or anything, but I really like it.
Like the study said, everyone is selling it now. Does anyone know a safe, trustworthy company to purchase it from?
I was a Mona-Vie agent too, This is a good product, I refuse to participate because like any "amazing" product out there One person gets rich while everyone else just works their tail off. I wasnt fond of the consitancy of Mona-vie I LOVED the flavor, but it was a texture thing for me. I may have to try and find that sorbet, Where do you get yours???
I was a Mona-Vie agent too, This is a good product, I refuse to participate because like any "amazing" product out there One person gets rich while everyone else just works their tail off. I wasnt fond of the consitancy of Mona-vie I LOVED the flavor, but it was a texture thing for me. I may have to try and find that sorbet, Where do you get yours???

You can get it at any Health Food Whole Foods. And there's a tiny, whole-in-the-wall organic shop here I get it from as well. I don't eat it as part of a "diet" I just like eating much as possible. And Acai is amazing for you in a lot of ways.
Honestly, I think it just seems like another one of those "fads" to me. Nothing is a 'miracle weight loss' thing. And if you're looking to get all the vitamins and stuff you're missing, either start eating properly or, take a daily vitamin. Just my .02
Honestly, I think it just seems like another one of those "fads" to me. Nothing is a 'miracle weight loss' thing. And if you're looking to get all the vitamins and stuff you're missing, either start eating properly or, take a daily vitamin. Just my .02

Yup.. I understand that. I HAVE been eating much better. I'm looking more for energy I think.

When I was 20 I could lose weight in no time. Things slow down as you get older. You will see LOL
Lol I know One a Day makes a vitamin to help with energy. I'm just so sick of all these 'fad' things. We sell many working at the pharmacy and people buy them expecting miracles, and then complain 2 weeks later when they've gotten little to no response.
Yeah...I'm normally very skeptical of any of those fad pills and I won't do fad diets.

I won't touch red bull or any of those other energy drinks either. I'm hoping the acai berry is a safe, natural energy booster. I think many times if something seems to work, it is mosly all in our head.
For you younger kids, loosing is a piece of cake - I was able to loose 90 lbs. in 6 mo. @ 22, but now "over the hill" folks like me, only gain weight while rolling down hill!
Maybe speed, too, as the older you get, the faster a day goes bye!
I did it while driving a limo, [NO excersize] with ice water, and [you're not going to believe it!] McDonalds small burger and small choc. shake, after 1hr of drinking ice water, and 1 hr. of being super hungry - almost headache! Worked for me!
I'm not into fad diets, pills, etc. either but it never hurts anyone to eat right and exercise. Best way to lose weight. But my definition of eating right is different than everyone elses...because eating organically (even though it's really hard) is the best way. Preservatives, chemicals, aspartame, fake stuff, etc. in food is so horrible for you in the long run...

I try to think about the long run which is most people don't think of. It's a deep topic of course like everything, but it's something I choose to do or at least try. No one's perfect.

I could go on for days about that....but as far as the diet this and that goes....I would say don't. Diet pills are so dangerous and usually don't work. And other diets like boxed food and whatnot don't work either because you deprive yourself. Don't get me wrong, a few things work for a few people, sure. But good ole' exercise and eating healthy is probably the safest and best way.
The drink form (like Mona Vie) is super high in fiber from all of the fruits in it. So yes it acts as a laxative but its no different than eating a whole bunch of fruit.
I know a lot of people who like Mona Vie but honestly I think it's a scam. It's very expensive juice. If you are looking for something similar to Mona Vie, there's a "knock off" at Costco called Mona Life I think.

I've heard many good things about it. Oprah seems to like it LOL. The only problem is that I have never seen actual Acai berries anywhere, just fad things.
The way the sell it it is most definately a scam. If you buy it knowing that it is just helping you get your full servings of fruits and veggies every day then I feel there is no harm done.

I actually caclulated it for my mom. 2oz of mona vie a day is like getting a 16oz all fruit smoothie at jamba every day. It costs about 2 dollars more a month for her to order Mona Vie than for her to just buy jamba every day.

What she SHOULD do is go buy the ginormous bag of frozen fruit at Costco and make her own smoothies every day!

I've seen acai berries in person but they were dried and on a necklace. They kinda look like wasabi peas or something.
I get Bosa Nova acai juice - they sell it at the commisary here near the fruits and vegies aisle and they have it plain, raspberry, blueberry (by far the best blend since it's a little sour) and some other flavor I can't remember. Supposedly it has like 4x the antioxidants that plain blueberries have so it must be good for the skin and brain but I haven't noticed any energy/weight loss with it...its like $2.50 a bottle with 2.5 servings
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