About fleece liners.

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I have been reading about the fleece liners that most of you are using. I have been reading other threads on them. I have a question about them. Why are you all using them, and where did the idea come from? I am understanding that it is to save bedding correct? But I am not sure how and why that would work if you are still using bedding for them to urinate in.

I am very interested in them if they would make things alot easier. I would like some feedback from you all that use them.

Thanks alot:)
I do not use bedding for mine, just plain fleece liners with some light quilt batting inside. I have two for each of my animals' cages and I change them out twice a week, so I always have fresh liners waiting to go in the cage. I really like them because you don't end up with shavings everywhere. I am building my own custom cages right now and I am ordering bass pans to put inside so it is easier to keep the mess contained.

Bass Pans --> http://www.bassequipment.com/Cages/Metal+Pans/default.aspx
I agree with Ruby. I do not use shavings. Even if you were to use the shavings, the amount you would use in a litter pan is minimal. So you are still saving money there.

Not only is it cheaper in the long run, but it is less waste.

It is also very appealing to the eye:thumbsup:
I use fleece liners & i use the shavings in litter pans. The fleece liners make a nice soft bottom are less messy then all the shavings and they are really cute! i use the litter pans in all my cages, although only 1 or 2 use it exclusively. The one that does there is virtually no smell from his cage. Because the rest of them do urinate on the fleece liners they do end up having an odor, so I keep an extra fleece around. It is best to change them 2 or 3 times a week to keep the odor down, depending how many chins you have.
I sorta make my own liners by just doubling up fleece. But if I could figure out how to sew I would make the "real" liners with the batting or towel inside.
Personally I hate making them with the towel inside. I don't know if its my old time sewing machine or what but they were hard for me to make. I am not really sewing machine material but they are really thick and nice when they are finished.

I am going to make just a two layer of fleece as my backup to use on wash day.
Sierra, you can use batting in the middle as an absorbant layer rather then a towel. I did the 2 layers of fleece with out the stuff in the middle and hated it.

Most of us have a batting, not towels inside, they dry easier. :D
I made all my fleece liners but 1. The person I got it from used a terry cloth towel on the inside and I used quilt batting on the inside of the ones I made and I notice the one I bought (with the Terry cloth) always seems to smell more then the others even after I wash it it still seems to smell not as clean...
O Ok thanks

I will have to check out the quilt batting. I have never seen what it looks like. Can I get it at Walmart?
Adding some vinegar to the washer makes them smell nice and fresh.

I love the fleece liners--I was spending so much money on shavings! It's cozy, and a LOT less messy. I found out which corners they love to pee in, and made up some hammock sized pieces to put down in those corners for extra absorbtion. My cages don't smell, and I clean them once a week. I wash them with regular laundry detergent, and add about a cup of vinegar in the wash.
O Ok thanks

I will have to check out the quilt batting. I have never seen what it looks like. Can I get it at Walmart?

I got my batting at Hancock fabrics. I have never seen it at Wal-Mart but you could call yours and ask.
MMM...I will have to see what is available in T.C. I wish we had a Jo Ann's here but they went out of business a few years ago. Thanks for the repsonse. :hmm:
So you use the liner in place of the shavings, but you still need a dish with shaving in it for them to urinate in correct? Or they use the liner to urinate on. I saw pictures with pyrex pans with litter in them. You always have one of those if you use the liners yes?

Geez, I haven't been on a chin forum for so long, I am reallyyyy out in left field with all this new stuff..lol
So you use the liner in place of the shavings, but you still need a dish with shaving in it for them to urinate in correct? Or they use the liner to urinate on. I saw pictures with pyrex pans with litter in them. You always have one of those if you use the liners yes?

Geez, I haven't been on a chin forum for so long, I am reallyyyy out in left field with all this new stuff..lol

You don't necessary have to have the pan with shavings in it. My chins occasionally pee in them and they like to chew on the fresh litter when I put it in, so that's why I use them. I also place them under the hay holders so they catch the hay..that way it doesn't get all over the liner.
I put a dish under my hay holder but it doesn't matter because Phoenix just tips the dish over anyway and then eats it off the liner. :hair:

Phoenix also doesn't pee on the top bed liner, she pees only on the bottom layer. :hmm:
for my litter box i use metal pie pans from the dollar store. after they get nasty i just toss them and buy a new one. i also try to wipe it down between cleanings to extend the life of the pan. i buy the both the longer rectanglular ones and the square ones.
I might have to try these liner things after things settle down around here.