Aborted baby dislocated/broke something?

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New member
Jun 29, 2012
Starting a few days ago, Scarlette, a momma of three, was acting strangely. Laying around the bottom of the family's new 4 foot tall cage and sleeping instead of running around the cage, taking baths, and playing during playtime.

I took her out, for a closer look at what could be wrong. I assumed she was getting hot as her ears were starting to turn reddish, so I placed her on a marble slab to cool off. Her ears turned pink again, so I tried to place her back down to see if she would stand, but she just kept flopping on to her side as if she was inches from death. I placed her in a single level rabbit cage for the night and noticed her poop was very small compared to the normal size. My mother and I rushed her to the vet only to have them say we should get her put down without doing any x-rays or anything to see what the problem was! After about a day or two of extra special attention, hand feedings and rubbing her belly I found out that the pain was being caused by a little dead baby that she had to push out, and it looked like it wasn't too far off from being born either. Just this morning, she managed get the placenta out. She still is unable to stand, so she just kind of lays in the same spot all day. When I try to get her to stand, all she does is fall back over on the exact same side and lay there. I know she isn't in pain anymore, but it seems as though something may still be wrong, but I'm afraid to take her back to the vet only to spend another $80 just for them to tell us that they want to put her down for nothing, again.

What could have happened to her being that she never sat around when she was pregnant or right after the births of the first three babies. Could her pushing out that baby and placenta have done something to her?
If she is unable to stand and just lays there, I would find a chin experienced vet to see her SOON. If she is not on pain meds she could very well be in pain. Is there any discharge or drainage? I think an infection from passing a dead kit is also a possibility. I am not a breeder, but a lethargic chin always raises red flags!
If the baby wasn't passed easily,she could have a broken pelvis and or pyometra.She needs a good chin vet
I would hazard a guess and say closed pyometra - meaning it's all inside. You don't see the discharge, you don't get the nasty smell. She had one dead baby and there may be more stuck inside.

If that is the case, she will die if she doesn't get medical attention. The fact that she cannot stand at all is an indicator that she is in very bad shape and that you will most likely lose her at this point. In any case, pyometra is painful and it's a nasty infection. If that is what she has, do the humane thing and take her to the vet to be PTS.
First, GET HER TO A VET NOW...a chin knowledgeable one. She's on deaths door, with the symptoms you described I'd be very surprised if she were still alive at this point. Sounds like a nasty infection from the kit(s) that weren't passed.

If the kits are under 6weeks, get handfeeding supplies because you're going to need them and brush up on handfeeding. How old are the live kits? A 4' tall cage is WAY too tall for any chin under 6-10mos of age.

She needs a vet, NOW. Deal with her, get the handfeeding stuff as well as the babies likely need food every 2-4hrs depending on their age and it'd be a good idea for someone other than the sick mother to be dealing with them right now.

Please update when you can.
I agree with the others that having the dead kit has probably set up infection as my first guess, but another posibility could be low calcium - I had a chin act very strangely after giving birth because her calcium dipped too low and she needed supplementing. I thought it was pyrometra and we kept her on antibiotics just in case but the calcium and fluids got her back to herself within hours.

In any case, she needs a competent vet now.
There are a couple things that bother me here. You say momma of three. Is this three other new kits? If so they need a smaller cage than a 4 foot cage.

There may be another dead kit in there, but either way she's surely exhausted and very possibly has an infection or is already toxic through out her body. She needs a vet now for meds and an xray and you better learn how to hand feed kits fast if she has little babies because if she's sick she's not producing milk and they're going to stop dropping very soon.
Sorry I haven't had time to post back about her status, but she is pretty much back to normal as far as her poops, walking around, weight, and eating/drinking habits are concerned. She is even being her old bratty chatty self again :) I guess she just needed a lot of love, pedialyte, water, rest and timothy hay. I am still concerned about her struggling to do a complete roll in the sand bath without having to pause on her side and pausing before she jumps down off the lowest shelf of the cage, which is only 8" from the bottom of the cage. It's almost like she's second guessing all her moves as opposed to just doing like she was before.

Her "babies'" ages are one year and the last two are 10 months (they'll be 11 months in 9 more days), so they are all set when it comes to getting themselves a few pellets to eat lol.
If she had a hard time giving birth to one kit, personally I would not breed her again. Wouldn't want to risk her life.
I'm confused. Did she just have a litter or was her last litter 10 months ago? You made it sound as though she was a mom of three right now.

If it was 10 months ago, that would have absolutely nothing to do with her symptoms now. It sounds as though she could have had a stroke or a heat stroke. It's also possible she's seizing.
Is she caged alone? Is she currently in with a male? What are you feeding? Like veryone has said before, if she. Had kits under 6 months they shouldn't be in that large of a cage. If she is inwith a male for breeding, she should not be in that large of a cage. She could fall and kill a unborn kit causeing this type of thing. There is a lot of needed information that you are not providing at this time. Where are you located? Its imp9ortant to have a good vet lined up even if you don't need it right this moment.