A Slight Introduction Issue

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New member
Dec 27, 2012
Boston, MA
Hi! This is my first post here, so bear with me.

I have two chinchillas, Flux (9 months old), and Milli (12 weeks old), both female. I've had Flux for 3 months, and Milli for just over a month. I gave Milli a solid week and a half to adjust to the new environment and bond with me before I moved their cages into the same room and let them start to see and smell each other through the bars. There wasn't any chattering that I was aware of like some people have mentioned on here, but I didn't see any issues with either of them.

After another week and a half of being in the same room, I moved the cages next to each other and still nothing. They didn't even acknowledge each other through the bars, but Flux did get excited whenever I let Milli out to play and she went up to the bars.

Finally, last week I cleaned up a bathroom and let them out together for the first time. They got along really well, with a lot of nose rubbing and grooming. I kept giving them 20-30 min of bathroom playtime for about 4 days, before I figured that they were getting along well enough to play together in the chinchilla room.

Again, this worked out really well, lots of nose rubbing, grooming and even some snuggling when I put them together during the day while they were sleepy. That is, until yesterday.

For whatever reason, when I let them out yesterday Flux immediately started trying to mount Milli, much to Milli's annoyance. She started making a *kack* noise every time Flux got near her and standing up on her hind legs. The same thing happened again today when I let them out. I haven't really seen this behavior from them before and am wondering what could have caused it and how to go about fixing it. Suggestions?
One mounting the other could just be one trying to establish dominance over the other. I have a cage of 4 young girls and I see mine doing this too and they all get along fine. The chin doing the mounting is just trying to let the other know who the boss is gonna be.
It could be a dominance display. But i would check and triple check to make sure they are both girls. Its a very easy mistake to make. One Ive done myself. Cause if it turns out to be a male/female, you may not want to put them together.