A question about poop.

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
Aurora, Colorado
Just a quick question here. I have a female rescue here, she's been here about a month now and she is 2 years old. Her poo is normal size and shape with plenty of it. The thing that concerns me is that her poo is a light tan in color. She is on the same feed (Purina Rabbit Chow Show Formula) and hay (2nd cut timothy hay from Clean Mama's Hayloft) as my other chins. The rest of the chins have normal, dark colored poops. If this something I need to worry about, or do some chins just poop different colors than others?
Has she had a pumice lately? One of my chins ate the pumice instead of just chewing it and his poop turned tan.
I always have pumice in the cages with my chins. I have never seen tan poop before and one of my girls will demolish a pumice stone in just minutes; it's never changed the color of her poop.
You do get individual difference in my experience, in shape, size and colour. My one boy has poop that is a fair bit lighter and fatter. He does eat more hay than the others.
I just noticed that one of my girls poop was light tan last night. Its always been a normal dark color before now. Just curious if your chins poop returned to normal or if youv'e had any problems since you posted this?
Shortly after I posted, her poop went started looking normal. She Poops like a champ. The only thing I can figure out is that she was really stressed at the time her poop was tan in color. At that time, she used to charge and bite if you reached in her cage and then run around blindly, running into things and falling. I put her in a much smaller cage and her poop and personality both changed for the better. She also quit fur chewing. She is just a delight now.
Thanks for the info. We just started dog sitting temporarily for a week.....maybe the smell or sounds of the dog are stressing her out. I'll keep an eye on her.