a question about conjunctivitis

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Gumby and Elmo

Well-known member
Feb 5, 2009
Hong Kong
So Toffee was treated for conjunctivitis for ten days and has finished her course of antibiotic eyedrops, she was put on optimyxin, 4 times a days for 7-10 days, I gave it to her for ten days just to be safe.
My question is, how will I be sure that her infection has cleared up?
Before she was treated, she used to have mild watery eyes and little bit of crust in the corner, and she would sneeze a little bit and grab at her nose. She had no discharge from her nose though.
The vet ruled out URI and teeth problems , and said it was probably the eyes water going down to her nose and making her feel uncomfortable.
So, after 10 days of eye drops, I can see she doesn't have watery eyes anymore, nor sneezing, nor the grabbing at her nose gesture.
But, I am not sure if its the dried up eye drops or not, but there's still a bit of crust under her eye, and the fur is a little bit matted. I wasn't very good at putting the drops in and often got it on her face.
I am hesistant to clean or wipe the area around her eye, since its already stressful enough for her for the last ten days with the constant handling and eye drops.
So how would I know whether she has fully recovered or not?
Shes eating playing and drinking well, acting like herself, and she doesn't scratch at he eye anymore.
I' ve only given her one dust bath after the course of eye drops.
Any suggestions?
I heard Toffee sneeze a little again, but not very frequent, sometimes I don't hear it at all for a few days, sometimes I hear it once or twice a day, and there's no discharge coming out from her nose.
The vet checked her for URI and teeth problems, and said it was only conjunctivitis.
She eats like a champ, put on about 10 gms since the ordeal.
I am quite baffled at what it is that making her sneeze. Or maybe the conjunctivitis hasn't gone?
I'm gonna watch her for a few days, might have to take her back to the vet if I still hear the odd sneeze.
Starting to think it might be an irratation or an allergy, but I'm at a lost.
I would not be too concerned with a little bit of sneezing here and there if there are no other symptoms. The chinchilla is probably just sneezing to get some dust or something out if its nose. any animal can sneeze if something tickles or irritates it nose. It does not necessarily mean that it is sick.