A few questions

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user 4724

New member
Oct 28, 2012
As a new owner I had a few questions for experienced owners. Hopefully these questions haven't been asked a hundred times. Feel free to just comment on certain parts if you don't want to answer each question. Any opinions appreciated.

1. Cardboard: I have a couple cardboard boxes laying around in his play area, and one small one in his cage for him to hide behind. Obviously he likes to nibble on them, but my question is if it's safe to have it this way. Will he know not to actually ingest that much and just chew on it? Or do I need to limit and closely watch any cardboard he's around?

2. Raisins: Almost everything I've read has said that raisins are a great snack for the little guys. But I came across a post on here that said they shouldn't be given. I know vegetables aren't recommended and dried fruits are fine sparingly but are raisins ok and how often?

3. Schedule: I've only had him for a couple days and I'm sure he's still getting used to his new schedule. Especially after being at a pet store before and having a lot of excitement during the day, he's probably a little out of his natural rhythm. So if he's alone all day while I'm at work, then I let him get some exercise and run around during the evening, then obviously he can do what he wants while I'm sleeping, will he start to fall back into his natural nocturnal schedule? Is there anything else I should do to help?

Thanks so much for any help. Chilly and I appreciate it!
Congrats on your new chinnie! Cardboard is ok for chins, just make sure it doesnt have tape on it that they can chew up. I would just keep an eye out to make sure he's not making a meal of the cardboard (if so, just use it for playtime). Raisins are not a good treat, no fruit or veggie is. Check out the section call Nutrition on here, it will give you healthy treat options (old fashion oats are great). Just give him time and he'll adjust to a new schedule.
If he is chewing on the cardboard and eating ANY of it, you need to take it away. Cardboard will swell up in his gut and cause an impaction which could kill him.

Chinchillas should not have any type of fruit, veggies, nuts or seeds. All of these items can cause serious health problems ranging from bloat to liver disease. You may not see the effects immediately but it is affecting his health if he is being fed there items.

Chinchillas are not nocturnal, they are crepuscular. This means they are most active at dusk and dawn, with periods of sleep and wakefulness thought the day and night. After some time to settle in, he should adjust to what ever his schedule will be in his new home.