As for a cage, have you checked your local craigslist or other site like that? I've found FN's around here for $100 on our craigslist. Granted, they needed some upgrades to be chin safe, but the point is, a smaller cage would be even cheaper. And you could easily get a bigger cage than the ones that you linked to by finding one on craigslist, giving it a good scrub-down, and adding wood shelves. It's a cheap alternative if you don't mind having something used.
I have a Martins cage here for my prairie dog -- I do like it, but the downside of one of them is that they come in pieces and you have to clip them together with C-clips and a tiny little set of pliers. Maybe not such a big deal if you're looking at a $100 or less chin cage that's not too big or complicated, but it was a pain in the neck for a $250, 5-foot-tall prairie dog cage with several wire levels and ramps. Just a thought, and I think worth mentioning, cause I've had some of our adoptive homes buy from Martins and not realize the cage wouldn't come put together.
For the wheels -- the cheapest one is the silver surfer, found on I believe it's $50+ shipping. Sometimes I've seen people on here have chin spins or saucers for sale, but as those are more expensive to begin with, the "used price" of them tends to be $50 or above, so either way, you end up paying a decent amount for the wheel. Those wheels that you see that are like $20-30 and made out of the metal feed pan -- totally not worth it. They make a ton of noise. We had one donated awhile ago and our chins wouldn't even run on it, they didn't like it (but those same chins would run on chin spins). We ended up taking it apart, sealing the holes, and using it as a litter pan.
The two other wheels, the chin spin and the flying saucer, can be found on I want to say they're around $80-90 before shipping. For the chin spin, you'd want to get the 15" one.
JAGS (Jeri and Randy Jagielo) are in Houghton Lake, MI. Not sure how close that is to you, but they're a large breeder and I imagine they'd have some to choose from. There are other breeders in MI as well -- but I just don't know them off the top of my head. Hopefully someone else can chime in and help you there.