A few questions

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Mar 8, 2010
Danville, NH
Hi everyone/anyone!

My chinnie, Archimedes, celebrated his 1st birthday this month! and in March I will have had him for a year!

He's completed one more with me and he has a spacious Martin's cage-about 3 feet tall with a few levels! He seems to be doing well, eating normally and such. I haven't read the forums in a while and just wanted to get re-connected.

Is it okay if I don't get another chin? I am really undecided since I am a new pet, let alone new chin, owner. I am not sure if I am ready for another one but I am worried that he will get lonely or something. And I can't get a girl unless one of them is sterilized, right? I may want to get another in the future-any tips or suggestions while I am thinking about it now?

Also, I am a tad concerned because I don't have any place outside of his cage for him to play. I my hold apartment I let him run around in the bathroom, but I moved home and there is no suitable or accessible place for him to run around. I got him a bigger cage AND a flying saucer which he REALLY likes but should I be worried that I don't have an area for him to run around? Any suggestions for a small closed off area in a room that's not chin proof?

He enjoys me scratching him right near his "armpit" and its so cute! He lifts his arm up and shuts his eyes! He is pretty social and used to me and my family by now. I don't really hold him or pick him up as often as I should-mainly because I'd just have to put him back in the cage.

Topic 3...or 4...sorry for the lengthy post, btw. What do you all do for cage surrounding situations? Meaning, poop flies everyone and hays gets everywhere and he does have a few corners he pees in but I, right now, laid down some plastic...but I'd love to have a permanent solution. I guess its unreasonable to think I'll never have to change the plastic as it gets pretty gross...but what do you all do? Have any suggestions?

Any help from anyone would be great!

I thought I had an updated pic of my Archimedes but I guess its just a video!


P.S. Anyone know where I can bet Blue Cloud online without having to pay an outrageous shipping cost?
Is it okay if I don't get another chin? I am really undecided since I am a new pet, let alone new chin, owner. I am not sure if I am ready for another one but I am worried that he will get lonely or something. And I can't get a girl unless one of them is sterilized, right? I may want to get another in the future-any tips or suggestions while I am thinking about it now?

I only have one chin and she does just fine. You CAN have just one chin and he WILL be fine. Just give him attention. Spend time with him. I will sit next to my chins cage and talk to her if I can't let her out.

Also, I am a tad concerned because I don't have any place outside of his cage for him to play. I my hold apartment I let him run around in the bathroom, but I moved home and there is no suitable or accessible place for him to run around. I got him a bigger cage AND a flying saucer which he REALLY likes but should I be worried that I don't have an area for him to run around? Any suggestions for a small closed off area in a room that's not chin proof?

You can always get a playpen. Many of our members use them. Something like this would work out well. http://www.ferret.com/item/marshall-mini-playpen-for-small-animals/650221/
You can buy a cover for it so your chin can't jump out.

Topic 3...or 4...sorry for the lengthy post, btw. What do you all do for cage surrounding situations? Meaning, poop flies everyone and hays gets everywhere and he does have a few corners he pees in but I, right now, laid down some plastic...but I'd love to have a permanent solution. I guess its unreasonable to think I'll never have to change the plastic as it gets pretty gross...but what do you all do? Have any suggestions?

Are you asking about keeping poop and shavings in the cage? There really is no direct answer. Some people have a layer of fleece that surrounds the bottom of the cage. Personally I don't have anything to block my messy lady. I just clean around her cage daily.
If you are asking about keeping the tray clean I give mine a hard scrub once a month and toss shavings every week. If I find that it is starting to smell sooner then I will just clean it that day.
Thanks cindyv,

I have a pull out tray with bedding in it but poop will find a way out of the cage-this is a lesser problem because it's easy to clean up. What I was trying to say was, if I didn't put plastic on the floor with the cage on top of it, the pee would go on the floor. Do I need to just suck it up and keep replacing the plastic or are there other alternatives? He tends to pee in the same corners..sort of, they vary. But when he pees from the 2nd and 3rd levels it goes outside the cage...any ideas?
I would try putting a litter box in the corners where he pees, one of the metal ones with higher sides. As for the ground, I'm not sure what plastic you're currently using, but I've considered getting one of those heavy plastic chair mats you put under office chairs for my cage. I would think you could wipe that down and disinfect it pretty easily.

As for Blue Cloud, I know they sell small quantities at PetSmart and some forum members sell it as well. I order mine from our local feed store. It comes in 50 lb bags which is a lot, but at $35 a bag, it is just more cost-effective.
I have two singletons and they are just as content as my pair. You don't need to get another chin, they do fine on their own. And besides, there's no guarantee that your chin would get along with a buddy anyways.

As far as playtime goes, if you can't get a playpen, I wouldn't worry about it too much. He's got a good cage and a wheel. I'll admit my girls haven't been out for playtime in quite some time, I just don't have a space committed to them like I used to. They're fine, I just make sure and give them plenty of toys.

I've used remnants of vinyl flooring for underneath the cages before. Sometimes you can find them for free on craigslist. Or else many flooring places sell the remnants for cheaper. Another option is to either make or have someone make you some fleece cage guards to put around the base of your cage to help keep some of the poop in. You can also get shelves with little lips on them to contain it a bit. But no matter what I think some poop is going to escape. Especially with a flying saucer. I've noticed that poop really gets flung off of those as the chin runs.
There's really no way to contain the poop. Poop and shavings will be all over no matter what you do. I vaccuum a lot and bought a handheld for small cleanups.
You don't have to have 2 chinchillas. If you worry your chinchilla will get lonely, make a cuddle buddy out of fleece.