A few questions about moving chinnies?

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Nov 30, 2012
I have two beautiful chinchillas, they are eight months old. They like to snuggle together in the pouch of my hoodie sometimes, like they are doing right now. It's large enough for them to move about freely. Is this okay?

The main question is, what do I do when my chinchillas hate their carriers? I've tried two different ones-- A plastic and wire one, and a fabric and mesh one. They bite and scratch furiously at both of them. But I needed to get them to the vet one day. So, I came up with the next best thing. I took a big fabric purse that I normally dedicate to holding their toys and put them in that. They took to it instantly and snuggled inside.
The purse looks like these
There's a string at the top to tie it partially closed, but it can't close completely, and I can't transport them any other way to the vet. What should I do?
I wouldn't use that. There isn't enough venelation, I would be afraid of them getting out or over heating. Them not liking the carrier isn't a good reason not to use it. No chins like carriers, but they will deal. Digging and biting bars is normal.
I'm assuming the fabric and mesh one is a ferret type carrier? I wouldn't use it if your chins are prone to chewing at all. My bf got one for his rats a while ago, and they chewed right through it in a very short time.

As far as the bag, I agree with Dreamlite. Not only is there potential for overheating, but something like that is going to be hard to secure to the car, which would be bad if you need to come to a sudden stop.

I took Mochi for her first vet visit last month. Here's a picture of the carrier I got for her. I got her one of these (the one with the more open door so I could attach a water bottle), but covered the bottom with fleece. I also made a "cover" with some more fleece. I only used the cover to carry her to the car (it was raining) and while in the vet's office (there was a cat roaming around). Otherwise I left it off so she wouldn't get too hot. The spring on the door is the water bottle holder.


She was scared at first, but once we were in the car, she pretty much just slept the whole time. The nice thing about this is I was able to secure the carrier into the car with the seat belt in the back seat.
Just to clarify, I am concerned that the purse would not be a safe carrier in a car.
I can see them chewing their way out of the purse. I would not use it. Chins loose in a moving vehicle is literally an accident waiting to happen. I have one of the carriers shown above; they are great and worth the money.
I have a cat carrier for my chins and I leave it out and open when they play. They have run in and out investigating it, probably because I have left hay or a cheerio in there on occasion. They don't really like being closed up in it but they don't chew or complain excessively, mostly they go to sleep. Maybe if they can get used to the carrier on their own terms, when you have to put them in it, they won't react as negatively. I don't know if it will work with your chins but it's worth a shot.
They don't have to like the carrier, they probably object to being trapped, try the cover to calm them or just let em rattle the cage on the way to the vet. Once in the car the have they will be too busy trying to balance. Its not like its a daily chore. =s
These are the carry cages I use to take chins to the vet : http://www.ryersonchinchilla.com/arc_010.htm They are small and they can't move around much, which is good- less chance of getting hurt. They also have a handle which I use to secure the cage in the car with the seatbelt. They are obviously metal and secure.