A couple baby chin questions...

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Just ChinChilling
May 29, 2011
Chico, CA
Hello All,

How old should kits be before they are allowed to roam free in the "big chinchilla" cage? I separated them and Mom into a smaller part of the cage to keep the babies from climbing too high and getting hurt. Also I've been trying to figure out the appropriate color name for one of the kits who is white, pink eared, and has blue eyes. The Papa is a standard and the Mama appears to be a hetero-beige (not sure of either parents' lineage). The other kit looks like a hetero or **** beige and also has blue eyes.

Eye color really doesn't have anything to do with much. If it's white with pink ears, then one of the parents has to be white.

If you're not sure about lineage or even colors of the parents you may want to do more research before breeding them again.

The best way to tell colors would be to see photos.

As for big cages, I would not open them up into a big cage until they're weaned.

Hi 3Chins! :wave: Thanks Riven for the tip on waiting until they are weaned. That sounds like a good plan. As far as breeding them, I'm not planning to sell the kits so am not concerned about it, was just curious because I had never seen a white chinchilla. He's so adorable.