For a starter chinchilla, would a male or female be better?
Each chinchilla is an individual in terms of personality. I personally prefer females because I do not like doing
hair ring checks. A lot of owners prefer males because they don't like that females tend to
spray! None of my girls spray so I guess I'm lucky
What kind of food is most recommended?
I personally prefer feeding Tradition. I have also fed Mazuri but I don't really like it nor do my chins. There was a lot of wasted pellets with Mazuri...almost none with Tradition. Oxbow is also highly recommended. Oxbow and Mazuri are probably the best, most accessible foods available on the market.
What kind of bedding would you recommend?
I use
fleece liners with a litter pan. Kiln-dried pine and Aspen are the best traditional bedding options.
Would you buy from a Pet Store? Or would you go to a breeder?
I would not buy from a pet store personally, but I know many people have been very happy with their pet store chins. I bought my three from a breeder, but I would also love to rescue. If you check out the
Classified section, you can look for both chins for sale and chins for rescue.
I've read that they LOVE raisins, would they be an OKAY occasional treat?
Some people swear that raisins are healthy, but I have heard many more bad things about raisins than good so I avoid them. I feed rose hips and my chins LOVE them. Chins cannot have too many "treats" as they have very sensitive digestive tracts. I only give one rosehip per day. I know it's tempting to give more because they look so darn cute eating a treat, but it's simply not good for them. I know other people who give a tiny bit of plain (no sugar!) shredded wheat and that seems to be a popular option as well!
Last but NOT LEAST, would wood or salt chewing blocks be better?
Chins do not need salt blocks. They DO need wood to chew on! I buy from several people on the can find out more about who sells what in the classified section that I linked you to earlier. I also buy lava ledges and blue cloud chew blocks that my chins LOVE. They need to constantly be grinding down their teeth as they are constantly growing!
I hope this helps