A big hello from Spike and I! =D

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Nov 18, 2011
Hello everyone I just got my first hedgehog Spike from a breeder a month ago and would love extra info on how to care for my new guy.
Hes on a good cat food I know for treats he can have mealworms, fresh fruits, cooked veggies, and cooked unseasoned meats.
What foods should I avoid?
I use carefresh bedding and a dustfree clump free litter for his litter box.
We are bonding with a snuggle sack I carry him around in it =) does anyone have any other bonding tips for me?
I just started trying to potty train him I keep a hiddy box in one corner, a bowl of food in one corner, and a bowl of water in the other corner to encourage him to potty in the litter corner any other tips to make this easier?
Hes in a good sized tub but its getting a bit small with the large wheel, good sized litter box, a hiddy box, food and water bowls and hes getting bigger! lol can anyone help me find a good hedgehog cage?

I cant wait to hear from everyone! Thank you so much for any and all help!
Welcome to the forum. I'd recommend posting your questions in one of the hedgehog sections itself. It will get more attention than in your introduction.

You can also find a lot of answers to those questions in the forums too.

Cages, take a look at the cage example thread in hedgehog housing. And there should be a listing of foods to avoid in hedgehog diets.