5 isn't enough!?

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Mar 16, 2011
Harrisburg PA
Take a wild guess where this ones going.. lol :hmm:

Back story

So i took my first chin (Chico) in back around 2007ish or so. Was supposed to be a temporary thing while my brother and nhis ew family were getting situated. Best laid plans, right?

Well.. hes mine now :D (And considering there situation i wouldn't give him back anyway. (And my brother knows, and agrees) Chico is much better off with me.

Since taking him in, Ive also took in a female chin (Sophie). Since i wasn't as prepared as i thought i was, she had a son (Houdini) and later 2 daughters (Sophia and Ameena).

5 Chins in total, with the last being born Feb 7th 2011. And things have been going pretty well with them. Father lives with son in a FN cage. Mom lives with two daughters in their own FN cage. The cages are side by side with some room in between. Also due to health issues, there is a sheet of fleece between the cages. Because if father chin sees his girl, and cant get to her, he gets so worked up and starts having seizures. So they can never lay eyes on each other :(

Current events.

i was out of work due to an injury a year or so after taking in my first chin. Been on disability since. But when i was working, there was one girl i occasionaly got to see on break that had two chins of here own. Since finding a chin owner around here is pretty rare, we talked about em. That was back in 07-08.

A few days ago my dad mentions that he overheard that she might be having to get rid of them. (He works at the same place i did). And the night after it was confirmed. She is moving in with someone with a dog. And she has to give the chins up. (I don't know any details past that.)

While she will have to do what ever she has to I'm sure, she does remember me. And it seems like I'm the first choice for potential homes since she knows me and knows i take care of them well.

So with 5 chins, it looks like i might be getting another two.. lol

And its going to take a fair amount of work to make it where i have enough room for a 3rd FN cage in here. My biggest concern however is my current males. Specifically Chico. Since i know he cant see his girls without health problems, I'm wondering if he is going to have problems if he sees two new males around. (The two new chins are both males, I'm told)

While they wont be right near each other or anything, from certain parts of Chico's cage, he would be able to see them. So I'm worried about how that will work. - If necessary there are a few layout options that i can do where it will make sure they cant see any of them. Just considering the room here, they are less desirable layouts.

And all of this coming up the week I'm supposed to get my specialized chinchilla allergy test done lol. Gotta love it'

Not to long ago i was at 5 chins and 5 ferrets. (Four of the five ferrets were taken in as well). Three died over the last 2 years from old age. :(
Now i might find my self going from 5-5 to 7-2. My place is going to end up a zoo'

[End overly large wall of text]
As long as you can take care of them properly I don't think you can put a limit on how many chins you have. We have 8 right now, so we're not judging =)