4 day old baby chin missing

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Oct 13, 2011
My husband came home from work this morning and went to see mom and baby...baby got out of cage during the night. We have looked for 2 hours and can't find the baby. We let the mom out of the cage hoping she would find him..but hasn't as of yet. What do I do??...can't believe we can't find him...am heartbroken....mom still has access to house hoping she would find him..our house is not that big..
Keep looking until you do find him. Since he is so young, he needs to be found quickly or he will get too cold and die. Try putting momma in a small cage on the floor where the baby can get to her. He might come to the cage if he can reach her. I would not let momma run around loose without close supervision or she could get hurt or chew on things she shouldn't. You need to actively search for him. If he is already to cold, he may not be moving around or making any sounds.

Oh, you need to get some hardware cloth and wrap the whole cage with it, even the top. Kits climb and can get out of a hole in the top of the cage.
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thanks...the cage spacing is very small..it was at the end where it connected that one of the wiring got loose, thus created a space....and the little guy crawled up and out..I will update the cage tho...
Great news...we found 4 day old baby chin

Thank God...we found the little guy after 8 to 10 hours....he is fine and been feeding with mom...
A happy ending! Thank goodness baby and mama are reunited. Hopefully the cage has been fixed so baby won't do this to you again.

Did you find the baby or did mama? How far was baby from the cage?
Thank God...we found the little guy after 8 to 10 hours....he is fine and been feeding with mom...

so good to hear this such good news baby is with mom !!!!!!!!!!! I know its crazy to loose a pet once my indoor cat ran out and I was Nuts also my cat hid in the mattress once and had a hole there I freaked right out missing my cat in my own house !!!