3 Chinnie Intro Opinions

  • Thread starter burritothechinchilla
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Hey everyone!

Last night was the first time that I had all three chins togather for playtime since the finger bitting incident. They are now acting very different since their playtimes before it happened. Before they would all run around togather and explore. Now there i chasing and fur pulling going on. It started off with TOFU chasing Cheddar. Yes, Tofu. The little harmless white fluff ball. She was chasing her and was pulling her fur out. After a while of chasing and pulling Tofu stopped and seemed to be fine. After that, Cheddar began to chase Tofu and pull her fur. This went on for the majority of the playtime. Near the end, Tofu was basicly avoiding Cheddar. Burrito was fine with her though. But Cheddar also snapped (kind of, dont know how to explain it) at Burrito! I dont know what was going on. I then returned them all to their cages, and Tofu began to grind her teeth. I don't know what to do. It was so simple bonding Cheddar and Burrito. They just clicked. So I'm not sure what a "normal" chin into is like. Just wondering what you guys think, if I should stop with the intros, or keep on going.

Thanks a lot!:))
You just have to have patience Paulo. All of this is very normal behavior. Just because we think one of our chins is sweet and innocent doesn't mean they are! Solange is the perfect princess yet whenever she was out with Abigail and Bronwyn for playtime she was a horrid wench! The teeth grinding is most likely a "boy am I hacked off at Paulo" thing. I would keep introducing them to playtime to see if they will get used to each other. You know what to do and look for, fur pulling is normal, kacking, spraying and chasing is normal, biting and blood being drawn is not and should immediately be halted.

Have you clipped everyone's whiskers and done the dab of vanilla on butts and noses? That works well!
Yup, trimmed them after the playtime. They are currently in the same room side by side so they are used to being wiht each other. I had playtime in the same room that they are kept in. About a 12' X 12' room. Should I have playtimes in a smaller, new room? Thanks.
I don't think a smaller room right now is a good idea Paulo. Leonard, Mick and Wesley often share playtime in Stewart's bedroom and never have issues with one another, yet when Mick and Wesley were caged near the end they fought--the larger room makes them less inclined to scramble I noticed. I think the more playtime they share the more they may be accostumed to each other.
I will do the vanilla dab next time. I found a video that kind of looks like what Cheddar is starting with the other girls.


Tell me if you think this is a bad sign. This lady says that they are friends now, but I don't want to trust her word because she doesnt look like the greatest chin owner in the world.

Also, when they do this should I stop them? Or should I let them "scrap" it out? I have been stopping them because I am extremely worried and paranoid.

Thanks :))
Just to clarify, have either of these chins been bonded to the other before this introduction?
In my experience that complicated things, all of the sudden the pecking order is in disaray and chins feel the need to reestablish their place.
In general, little chase is totally normal, I stop the behavior when one chin starts behaving like they're being bullied, or they are the bully. My method included putting the aggressor in a carrier in the middle of the room for about 5 to 10 minutes. The idea being to humble the chin in the carrier and let them know their behavior isn't acceptable.