2 scared lil boys

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Mar 30, 2012
Hey so I'm a new chin owner as of yesterday I have a 4 month old mosaic called pascal and a 6 month old standard named Zeke. I bought them from the shoots ranch in Ohio and they have very little socialization, but were pretty calm and didn't bite or bark when me and my friends were holding them at the ranch. Pascal as soon as he got into his side of the cage (I modified a large cage into two sides so they can adjust to the new cage size and each other safely) was climbing up all over the place while Zeke was a bit lethargic. It was a 4.5/5hr trip for these guys to get to my place, so I can understand Zeke being a little stressed out.

So to make the cage into two I had to use the top of the cage as a divider and jimmy the shelves into a lid... pascal pulled a Houdini and at 8am I woke up to one chin being good in his hidy hole and pascal camping out under my bed. 15 mins later and a lot of bed moving I caught him and put him back in the re-modified cage and put a sheet over the front half of the cage so I would be less disturbing to them during the day.

I know it takes time for chins to adjust and bond with an owner but I'm unsure how much I should try to interact with them per day and when they start crying (not barking but that lil warning call) if I should leave them be until they calm down. Also, how do you know it's safe to remove the divider between them? Finally, should I start bring them out for playtime right away or again is there a suggested waiting period?

anyway thanks for your help sorry for the novel! >.<
Give them time to settle in but it is good to talk to them and put your hand in the cage and let them come and check you out. try not to chase after them in the cage.
If they weren't already bonded, they should not be separated by just a divider. I have to make sure anything around the cage is at least a few inches away because if they want something they will stick their little noses or arms way out. That includes the ear or tail of the neighboring chinchilla that he may not yet like. When I had to bond my chinchillas I had two separate cages where they could see but not touch. But if they're showing an interest in each other and not in a fighting way, (or have been previously bonded?) then a divider really is not necessary. If they're from the same ranch a quarantine from each other would seem pointless.

First of all, lemme say that I'm incredibly jealous that you got to visit the Shoots' farm. Like... wow.

Now that that's outta the way, I really only have 2 tidbits to add. My chinchillas "cry" when they are super happy or excited, like when we open the cage door, or even just say their names (which they know, thanks to my amazing wife.) It's like a shrill squeal, and they all do it, except the babies.

Also, t i m e. That's the most important advice I can give you. My chins, all 3 of them, were very stand-offish, and flew solo when we first got them. With time, attention, and affection, each has grown to accept us into their pack :)

Sorry I don't have the experience that some here do, but if this helps ya at all, I'm happy :)

- Aaron
They are from the same ranch, but they told me to keep a divider so they can sniff and touch but not more than that. Then to switch them on either side each day so that they get use to each other and don't claim an area. Pascal got out again... I fixed the escape problem but I don't think he liked being chased and caught :/
None of them like being chased or caught. That is just chins. I would keep doing what you are doing for a couple of weeks. Then, try removing the divider. Do this when you can be right there to separate them if need be. You will probably see some dominance humping and some chasing. This is normal. If the chasing gets too serious and fur pulling or biting occurs, separate them and start over.
Thanks guys! Pascal, who's middle name is now houdini, is now letting me pet his nose and head through the bar and doesn't run around scared when I'm near his cage, so hopefully he's forgiven me from this morning's chase lol.

Cuddlebug, that sounds good! right now they will sniff and nibble each other through the divider or just sit next to each other during waking hours. Pascal is much more interested in meeting Zeke than vice versa

Zeke who's middle name is now "lion-heart" because every time pascal jumps from the top of the cage he dives into his house, will only come out when I don't move for a long time. I think he's going to take a while before he lets me touch him willingly.

I'm worried about running the vacuum cleaner and how they will respond, perhaps I should put it off for a few days... what's a few wood chips on the floor compared to unstressed chins :)

Oh also, when should I start to take them out for play time? and should I just pick them up or let them jump into a box to carry them out?