16" Wheel

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Anyone have experience with this 16" wheel on eBay? It looks promising.


I have had a 15" Leo Braun wheel for over 10 years, in fact I had two but sold one when I was down to only one chinchilla. Now I have taken in two young male chinchillas and they need get accustomed to a wheel and I like all metal wheels, but don't like flying saucers ;)

Collete, my 13 year old Chinchilla, one of the original inspirations for Chins & Quills is still going strong.
Ok, thanks, looks noisy but if the wheel itself is sound then I can come with a noiseless solution that works for me.
i recently bought that wheel on ebay, it was suggested to me by a friend on another chin forum. best wheel i've ever gotten! truely. it is completely silent and the diameter is perfect for my active boys. its made with a rollar blade wheel which is why its so silent and the metal is so sturdy and easy to clean. its a little expensive but trust me completel worth it!
They have those metal dishes at most Tractor Supply stores I would imagine. They do out here anyway. You could probably order them through most any feed place that is similar.