Hi everyone! My husband and I had a chin that got very sick last year and we had to put her down- since then we've been wanting to get a bonded pair from a local rescue... thing is they said that our current quality cage is not big enough and we have to have a cage at least the size of the mansion to adopt a pair. So, we've been looking into adding on some height to our current cage. Obviously, searching online there are a bunch of pictures and instructions on how to do this, but we are having a horrible time finding a place to get 14 gauge hardware cloth (we bought 19 gauge at home depot and after cutting some and playing with it we realized it is entirely too flimsy). Do any of you know any place to order it? (We do not need 50 or 100 feet of it! Which seems to be the only amount we can find.) We are in Maryland (and can get to VA/PA easily), if anybody happens to know somewhere local to get it too...