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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Lyndzerz

    Sick baby :(

    I got him the Critical Care just to be on the safe side because he is eating but not much. I'm just a little confused about how to give it to him. Do I give him the entire serving size the package calls for or do I break that up into smaller feedings? Also, what is Baytril? Is it something that...
  2. Lyndzerz

    Sick baby :(

    Thanks for the response. He seems to be doing well. He gets energetic then calms down a bit and sleeps. He was eating earlier for a little while and drinking which seems like a good sign. I think I over researched and started freaking myself out and I am over analyzing every move he makes haha
  3. Lyndzerz

    Sick baby :(

    Thank you for your response. I was given SMZ-TMP. I don't have the critical care right now but I called a few places and a vet nearby has it and I can pick it up tomorrow. Since I posted Chilla does seem to have a bit more energy, he his scaling his cage like a crazy mountain climber. Another...
  4. Lyndzerz

    Sick baby :(

    Hello all, I am new to this forum and just wanted to get some insight. I have had my sweet baby Chilla since March and he is a very energetic lovable boy. On Wednesday night I noticed that he wasn't himself. He kept scratching his little nose ( which he does all the time and it's just so cute)...