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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. W

    Baby chinchilla help.

    I had to have that baby put to sleep, he went back downhill after so I pawned some stuff and rushed him to the vet and they told me his jaw was deformed/broken so it was impossible for him to feed and he was too small for surgery so that was the best option. I didn't want to try to keep feeding...
  2. W

    Baby chinchilla help.

    Woke up today and it seems like he is all of a sudden better! I isolated him last night because I honestly thought he wasn't going to make it. When I last checked on him he was all wrapped up in a blanket just trying to sleep woke up this morning he was running all around the cage so I put him...
  3. W

    Baby chinchilla help.

    Ok I will stop giving her the apple juice mixture, I live in Maine thanks everyone for the help. I'm gonna keep trying, if I do lose him at least I will know that I tried my best. They are very cute though, I have two gray babies and the runt (who is actually the feisty one) is black with a...
  4. W

    Baby chinchilla help.

    Okay I will do that, I didn't give her much so thats a good thing you told me before I kept doing it. I live in Maine...The nearest vet is in Orrington, Maine. I was referenced to another one but she told me they weren't supposed to be born with hair so I don't think she really knew anything...
  5. W

    Baby chinchilla help.

    I have wire left over from my job that I will be using to reinforce the cage tonight. As for feeding, the baby I have been trying the goat milk/ rice baby formula mixture and mom has been getting hay, pellets and in addition to her water I give her a little bit of Unsweetened Organic apple...
  6. W

    Baby chinchilla help.

    Okay so I'm a new chinchilla owner I've never owned one in my life. I have two that I was told never before had babies in the several years this person owned them so they assumed they were fixed. Well come to find out, they weren't fixed and I became a very unexpected grandparent last night. I...