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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. 4

    more of a health concern for myself. Dont own a Hedge yet but I have a question

    awesome thanks everyone. much appreciated and I will check out some setups using Fleece so I dont have to go the Shavings route. Im going to start doing alot more research tonight on setups and whats needed
  2. 4

    more of a health concern for myself. Dont own a Hedge yet but I have a question

    I really want to get a HedgeHog but I have a concern about Health and bedding. I am Allergic to Pine and yes Pine Shavings. The pine/Pine shavings cause neck swelling to my neck and it gets hard to swallow. How I find this out is because the wife bought Pine cat liter and it effected me and put...