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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. C

    Sweet Chin Turned Agressive.?!

    Im doing everything I can as of right now to help Jacki. I seperated them as a precaution just like Tamera from Chinchildren suggested. She has been the biggest help.! Even suggested taking Lilly back(shes such a great chin mom.!) but I feel its neccessary for me to keep my promise and help...
  2. C

    Sweet Chin Turned Agressive.?!

    She was rescued from a home with another chin, but as far as I know they didn't get along as Jacki is missing a piece of her ear. And the chin I am fostering, I am rehabilitating. I foster for Chinchildren Chinchilla rescue and I really don't want to take Lilly back because I've made the...
  3. C

    Sweet Chin Turned Agressive.?!

    I have a female chinchilla named Jacki who just turned three, whom I rescued a little under a year ago. The home I rescued her from was abusing her. She came to me as an angry, untrusting chin who was mad at the world and missing half her body fur from chewing it off. I worked very hard over a...