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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. DallasLauren

    Is my chin unhappy?

    I got my two chins about a month ago and the older one seems to be a little upset. His name is Ashkii, and his cage mate's name is Chesmu. Chesmu is the dominant one usually and always is starving for attention while Ahskii just sits in a corner. When Ashkii does try to get attention, Chesmu...
  2. DallasLauren

    Possibly aggressive?

    No, but at the time Ashkii was trying to sleep and Chesmu wanted to play and kept waking him up, so I guess I can't blame him for being annoyed. I would be too.
  3. DallasLauren

    Possibly aggressive?

    Is grinding teeth usually loud though? I thought it was quieter. This was a louder noise, about the same loudness as a bark.
  4. DallasLauren

    Possibly aggressive?

    Okay, so maybe I'm paranoid. I've had my two male chins, Ashkii and Chesmu, for about a month now. They aren't litter mates but they were chosen by the breeder because they got along. They got along great but then lately they've been making clicking noises at each other. Both are trying to be...