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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. K

    I am going to pick up my first kits this weekend! Color help?

    According to the breeder she has never had a chin become pregnant at that age. What I found online says "At the age of 8-10 weeks, male chinchillas can breed. 6-8 months is the fertile period for females" I've seen that a lot. I don't want to risk it though. I would consider buying from another...
  2. K

    I am going to pick up my first kits this weekend! Color help?

    Woah! Okay I feel like I should clarify some here. In my original post I was much more focused on their colors than giving the story so I jumped around and didn't really explain properly. I have a terrible habit of rambling. I went to the breeder only wanting one chinchilla. (The dark boy) My...
  3. K

    I am going to pick up my first kits this weekend! Color help?

    The breeder told me what colors they were but I can't remember and don't want to bug her this late! There are two in the first picture but I am only getting the boy in the back. The boy in the front already had a home or I would have got those two. My mom wanted the one in the second...