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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. K

    New older hedgie question

    Thank you again so much! I will go by a checklist tonight and make sure all is well! When I got her, she has extremely dry skin, but I read to put a little bit of olive oil on her back in the bath and her skin is looking 150% better! Here's a picture of my lil girl! Thanks again ^-^
  2. K

    New older hedgie question

    And she was on cat food, and we bought her normal hedgehog food and mixed it in but she wanted nothing to do with it. So we bought her some high quality cat food and she's eating that and still pooping a good amount.
  3. K

    New older hedgie question

    Thank you both for your replies! I feel like I'm getting nervous about making sure she has a great life due to a hectic one she had before. Since I've gotten her she's LOVED the worms. That's why it's alarming that she isn't wanting them. The owner before was feeding her temptations cat treats...
  4. K

    New older hedgie question

    I recently got a new hedgie(about a month ago), but she is full grown. She's had a rough past, and I'm trying my best to give her a proper home with also learning as I go. She's not very social and covers up her face at the smallest sounds. I've taken her to a vet and she's free of mites. Skin...