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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. M

    URI No Improvment

    We had tried everything that we could. Our buddy past away today. There is a whole in our hearts and in our family! RIP little guy!!! Thanks for the help!!!
  2. M

    URI No Improvment

    another question Buddy I believe has taken a turn for the worse. Hardly moving spots in his cage no eating other than a few tiny bites of cc. My question is he has had 3 doses of baytril. Do you think if it was working we would have seen an improvement? Trying to decide if its worth the stress...
  3. M

    URI No Improvment

    Thanks guys!!! We are trying the burrito real soon for the first time. I hope it works. Its so sad to see him so down!
  4. M

    URI No Improvment

    I apologize that my first post on this wonderful amazing site, is an emergency one. I feel like I should make a proper introduction. Maybe another day when I can stop worrying about our poor Chin. Buddy is his name. We have had him for over 2 years now. We are not sure of his age as we got...