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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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    Kit colors

    Ok, thanks everyone. Thanks for the photos @greychins. Yes, they are pedigree but we didn't get the paperwork from previous owner. She had to move into a place that didn't accept pets, so we adopted these two/now four. :-) The male is white but appears more light grey. It will be fun to see...
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    Kit colors

    We have a pair of new kits this morning. One has strange color patterns and we are wondering how much their coloring can/will change as they grow up? See pictures attached of babies and one of mom. It's almost like she has a white spot on one side of her hind end. Babies' dad was considered...
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    sammys, Carrots killed our last chinch. We would definitely say to all chinch owners, "stay away from carrots." She loved them as a treat but they eventually gave her stomach problems and she died. Very sad!