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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. C


    one more question, sorry! is it possible my hedgehog/dog can exchange the mites? because after going through all of this i realize my dog has been weirdly itchy as well.... :( oh no
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    alright, i will. :) thank you again!
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    he hasn't had a bath yet, so i'll prepare one for him. thank you for the quick reply. :)
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    So, my snoopy has been very itchy lately. I gave him a oatmeal bath, still itchy. I brushed him on a black surface and I saw little mice crawling around. I'm going to call the vet ASAP tomorrow morning, but is there anything I can do until our appointment is made? I'm going to clean his cage...
  5. C

    Vet visit?

    Hey all, I'm thinking about taking my Snoopy to the vet for the first time. He's been sneezing, and has green discharge around his nose when he wakes up. :( He's been acting fine though, normal poops, and normal eating habits. He's been sneezing since I got him, but the discharge is new. I...
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    Kitty litter stuck

    Thanks guys. I took all the kitty litter out and I will switch to paper towels. I think he's all better now :) He recently peed with no blood at all, and there's no redness/swelling. I'm so happy! :)
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    Kitty litter stuck

    So he's already infected? How can I tell? :(
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    Kitty litter stuck

    Hey all. I just got my hedgie last week and he's been adjusting well. Recently though, I picked him up and I noticed blood on my hand (not a lot at all, but still there). I was very upset because I just got him and I don't know what could be wrong. I picked him up and looked at his privates...
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    Sleep schedule?

    Yay! Thank you so much :)
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    Sleep schedule?

    Yes he's still a baby. It's always around 75 degrees and it's only naps. I wasn't sure if this was normal behavior or not, and I figured I wouldnt take my chances so I decided to ask you guys :)
  11. C

    Sleep schedule?

    Is it normal for my hedgehog to sleep during the night? I'm not sure and I'd like to make sure everything is okay with him. Thanks in advance