You people are no help.....none of you seem to want to help just critcize and try to make people feel stupid. Well let me tell you I don't I know my animals have been fine and still are fine. I will be deleting my account cuz this place is stupid.
I do want babies just don't want both to have litters at the same time. All of my chins are young and have always been together. They all sleep together and get along fine. I also have two friends here in town that house multiple males with females and have no problems. I am not worried about my...
I have had 2 males and 2 females housed all together for the last 4 or 5 months. I have found teats on one of my females so I put her in a smaller cage and am not wanting anymore babies right now so I put the other female with her. Do you think this will be ok? They seem to be fine right now all...