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  1. blinkrawker739

    Hand feeding babies, need advice

    I dug through some boxes here and found an older heating pad that stays on. However it only has one setting, and that is 'On'. It doesn't seem like it heats up too hot. Went to the store and found some dry goats milk replacement so I am going to mix some of that up for them. Put them in...
  2. blinkrawker739

    Hand feeding babies, need advice

    LOL, since I graduated I can never remember what day it is. ; )
  3. blinkrawker739

    Hand feeding babies, need advice

    My heating pad shuts itself off after awhile and will not come back on until I reset it. I think it only stays on for about 30 minutes. Do you suggest buying a new heating pad? I will buy a bottle today and heat it up in that. The bottle I had for feeding kittens (brand new, never used) I...
  4. blinkrawker739

    Hand feeding babies, need advice

    That could be it. Do you suggest that I keep the syringe in a cup of warm water to keep it warm for the second kit? Normally it has cooled some when the first is done. I have been feeding Blossom first as she is smaller. I see that an admin does have to approve it first, sorry about that...
  5. blinkrawker739

    Hand feeding babies, need advice

    I replied but it is not showing up. Not going to post the same thing again in case an admin has to approve it first. This is my first time posting here so I was not sure. I also wanted to add that I have a gel pad that I have been heating in the microwave and placing under the carrier so that...
  6. blinkrawker739

    Hand feeding babies, need advice

    Thank you for the reply. : ) I am, I have been using warm wet cotton balls every 2 hours (after feeding) and they will pee each time. I just seem to be having a problem getting them to poop. I will try to get them to eat about a 1.5 ml each next time I feed them. I thought they weren't...
  7. blinkrawker739

    Hand feeding babies, need advice

    My female passed away on Friday/early Saturday, leaving us two 7 day old babies. I have been hand feeding them the formula found on this thread: They are fed every two hours and normally take about half of a cc before squirming like...