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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. S

    My chin has bad breath?

    Alright thanks ! I wasnt sure ! I just fed her and now her breath is fine? Its SO weird ! Ill just take her to the vet to see whats going on ! Its just scary with Antibiotics ! The Chin breeder i got her from said never let chins take antibiotics but im sure its worth a try ! Thanks Yall !
  2. S

    My chin has bad breath?

    She fractured a bone in her nose :( ! its been a week or so I guess the infection just started to form? I was thinking her food? But it might be an infection! I heard feeding them yogurt can help is that true?
  3. S

    My chin has bad breath?

    My chin recently had surgery on her nose :( I have been feeding her Oxbow Critical Care everyday! recently I have noticed her breath smells! im not sure if its from her food or fra om a tooth problem that was overlooked? her front teeth are yellow which the vet said is good and her poop is dark...