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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. D

    Is there somewhere I can bulk buy chin toys in the UK?

    All 3 of my chins absolutely love toys they can shred up, such as things made from vine. If I give them toys that are a bit sturdier, they won't touch it, little monkeys. I adore chinchillas2shop but sometimes it doesn't have the products I'm looking for :) I wouldn't mind paying for shipping...
  2. D

    Chinchilla looks 'bedraggled'

    Sorry, I'm an idiot. Thought I'd attached them already. The first picture is what Remy looks like usually. The second is what she looks like today.
  3. D

    Chinchilla looks 'bedraggled'

    Hi there, I noticed this morning that my 7-month-old chin (Remy) looks a little 'bedraggled'- her fur looks a bit darker at the ends than it was yesterday. She is eating okay, and I've seen her having a drink this afternoon. All last night she was very active on her wheel, and I haven't really...
  4. D

    Could use some help sexing a kit

    Firstly, hello :) I'd never really planned to breed chins, but two weeks after bringing home a second chinchilla that I'd hoped to introduce to my first, she had an unexpected arrival. My inexperience in chinchilla pregnancy and kits means that I have absolutely no idea as to the sex of the...