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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. J

    Chinchilla Constantly Urinating, Even On New Cagemate

    He was prescribed Metacam and Bactrim. He seems to be doing better in the pain department, at least, not as regular outbursts of squeeking or cleaning himself but during their supervised "outside time" this afternoon, I noticed Bumi cuddling/mounting Blink, who we had assumed was the dominant...
  2. J

    Chinchilla Constantly Urinating, Even On New Cagemate

    Hi there, reslly hoping someone can help. About 2 months ago we suffered the sudden loss of one of our two boys. After some time, we adopted another chin, a rescue from a bad environment, who we have successfully pairbonded with our surviving chin, Blink. As we have come to know him, the new...
  3. J

    Chins suddenly fighting? Please help!

    Thank you for your responses. They are still separated and we are deeply considering our next step. Thanks for all the input. If you have more to share, please don't hesitate!
  4. J

    Chins suddenly fighting? Please help!

    Hi there! I'm aware that it's a wall of text but I'm really worried and am giving as much info as I can! My girlfriend and I have been the proud owners of two beautiful boys who have been cagemates since the youngest was a kit. The older chin, Blink, is far more mellow and has taken to us very...
  5. J

    Question(s) about male chinchillas.

    Hi there! My girlfriend and I are the proud new owners of two adorable chinchillas! They've been cagemates for over a year at the rescue and they have a very large cage to play in. My questions are as follows... The cage they're currently in was the temporary residence of two female...