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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Amethyst

    New chinchilla to love and spoil

    I was scrolling through kijiji yesterday afternoon and was surprised to see a chin for sale not far from me. I wasn't really expecting to find another chin anytime soon, they are not common around here so even though the old cage isn't ready for a chin yet I jumped at the chance. After a few...
  2. Amethyst

    Goodbye Wicket, Until We Meet Again

    Wicket has gone to join his brother, he passed away sometime yesterday afternoon/evening. I don't know his exact age, other then he was over 17, the day I picked as their "birthday" was just the day I got them since I don't know when they were actually born, they were already 3 years old when I...
  3. Amethyst

    Happy Birthday Wicket

    It's Wickets 17th Birthday/gotcha day, as of today I've been serving him for 14 years. 🎉 🥳
  4. Amethyst

    Happy birthday/gotcha day Wicket

    12 years ago today I brought home two 3 year old boys, so I go with today as their "birthday" making Wicket 15 years old now. As you may know from a post I made last year, Wicket's twin brother passed away last June. Wicket is doing well as an single and only chin though, he seems to be enjoying...
  5. Amethyst


    Wicket is a 14 years old, standard grey. I got him and his brother (who recently passed) in January 2010, from a feed shop that was selling them for someone. I was told they were 3 at the time so I don't know his exact birthday. He has become a bit of a grumpy boy with age, he tolerates being...
  6. Amethyst

    Rest in peace Bazil

    I'm still feeling a bit like "this isn't real" but... one of my two chins, Bazil, passed away in his sleep sometime Tuesday night or Wednesday morning 😢, he was 14+ years old (I don't know his exact age, just that he was 3 when I got him and his brother in January of 2010). He was in his house...
  7. Amethyst

    Church thoughts

    Yeah, we actually hopped around to difference churches, I think my mom was trying to find the right fit for her.
  8. Amethyst


    I was curious if anyone knows if catnip is safe for chins. I'm currently growing catnip for my cats and myself, and was wondering if the chins can have some too, once dried out of course. The catnip is organic and grown from seeds I planted, so no chemicals on it ever.
  9. Amethyst

    Bazil and Wicket Playtime

    I took a couple videos of my boys playing. Part 1 Part 2
  10. Amethyst

    I made Easter "eggs"

    Home made Easter "eggs" (dyed vine balls) with a small piece of rose hips and rose petals inside.
  11. Amethyst

    Christmas Cage Decor

    I took a bit longer to get the fleece made up, so some of the items are already chewed up, but most are still there. I went with something wintery rather then Christmas for the fleece so I could use it all winter. I think I may have gone overboard, lol, I just added the Christmas stuff (bells...
  12. Amethyst

    Wood chew sticks

    I kept putting off buying more sticks/twigs, and now the person I normally buy from (Chinchilla Park Place) is not doing wood do to health reasons and surgery. I am hoping to find someone in Canada, so I don't have to pay a fortune in shipping. I'm looking for apple and/or pear mostly. Zoey and...
  13. Amethyst

    All Living Things Multi-Level Small Animal Cage

    Has anyone tried these cages out? All Living Things Multi-Level Small Animal Cage It seems Petsmart around here doesn't sell FN or CN anymore and are selling these instead. :hmm: I already have a FN and love it, but I plan to get a couple more chins later on, and will need another cage(s)...
  14. Amethyst

    Why is spruce unsafe?

    I tried looking it up but just came up with the same question asked before. Does anyone know why is spruce unsafe? If kiln drying gets rid of the sap in pine doesn't it do the same with spruce? Or is spruce just another one that is debatable on it's safeness and therefore put one unsafe list...
  15. Amethyst

    Fresh timothy grass as a treat

    I was wondering if fresh grass is ok as a treat. I live on an acreage and have a few acres of hay grass, mostly timothy. It was originally used for horses and sheep, so it's just plain hay grass nothing sprayed on it or anything. I also used it to feed to my guinea pig by the handful for years...
  16. Amethyst

    FN still sold at Petsmart in Canada?

    I bought the Ferret Nation cage my boys are in at Petsmart a couple years ago, but now they are only selling the Critter Nations at that store and the Canada Petsmart website only has the CN listed now. So I was wondering if anyone knows if Petsmart in Canada stopped selling the FN? I'm heading...
  17. Amethyst

    Shola Plant?

    Anyone know anything about shola plant and if it's chin safe? I've been ordering from chinchilla park place and she just added crepe sola balls and sola atta balls I assume she knows what she is doing and did research (and I know she is on this forum so no disrespect intended if you are reading...
  18. Amethyst

    What Flavor Koolaid?

    I know several people use koolaid to dye/flavor wood, so I was wondering what flavor(s) chins seem to like the best? Or do people just pick the colors they want? Or does it really vary from chin to chin? I bought grape and strawberry to flavor some poplar coins that my guys aren't too interested...
  19. Amethyst

    Wicket on the new flying saucer.

    I just got my boys a flying saucer wheel, and it arrived in the mail on Saturday. They took to it in less then a day:thumbsup: I'm so proud of them. It's so quiet though I have to happen to look at the right time to catch them on it, it makes less noise then they do hopping around the cage...
  20. Amethyst

    Critter Nation ok for kits?

    I was looking at the petstore today and where I got my Ferret Nation only sells the Critter Nations now. I had planned to get a FN and just cover it in hardware cloth for when I get a couple kits, but is that needed with a CN? I haven't bought the cage yet, just looking where to buy things right...