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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Binki

    Avoiding monkey business

    I would appreciate opinions on this. We'd have a chin girl visiting for a few days (with her own cage), which will provide a good opportunity to check whether my boy misses the company of his own species and tries to approach her cage during his playtime. Of course as neither of them is...
  2. Binki

    Back to the cage strategies

    I have been wondering how members of this forum get their chins back to the cage after playtime. My first boy, who was difficult but very smart just needed to be told 'bed' and in he went. In contrast, my current boy, who is most of the time a total darling, can only be lured in if, at top...
  3. Binki

    Spring nettles?

    To say that my boy favourite treat is nettles is an understatement: he craves them. He is lucky in that we have an 'on the premises' organic' supply. In the sunken garden, next to the stream. there is a patch with soil so stubbornly poor that only nettles grow, so in the end we decided to screen...
  4. Binki

    Advice on taking medication

    Sunday night my boy tried one of his kamikaze runs and got hurt. He could still run and there was no blood in his nose or mouth but he tried to hide, sure sign he was in pain. Afraid that he could have a broken rib or another non-obvious injury, I took him to the hideously expensive (five times...
  5. Binki

    Is living in two in different cages still company?

    I was asked whether I could take on a female chinchilla that the owner (who inherited her from a relative) cannot take proper care of. In fact the poor girl has not been out of her cage for six months and needs a new home ASAP. Problem is I have a boy, so the chins would have to live in separate...
  6. Binki

    A barking wuss?

    My rescue boy is, considering the circumstances, a remarkably well adjusted chin: affectionate, smart and to all appearances, a happy little soul. What baffles me is that he only seems to have one sound in his voice, box, the alarm call, which occurs rather frequently when he is asleep. Not once...
  7. Binki

    Vanishing ebony

    Hope for some help in solving this mystery, About a month ago I rescued male chin who looked to me (no expert in chin genetics and previously only had beiges) like an ebony carrier, with a white tummy, a very black triangle on the head and a black back. What baffles me is that he is looking...
  8. Binki

    80% hay, moi?

    That's what my chin says and I wonder: Am I the only one to have a hay hater? And it is not the quality of the hay, I must say, because I have tried everything, including a box that woudl have paid for a romantic weekend in the Orient Express. It is not how it is served, either: tried racks...
  9. Binki

    Help! bald patch on tail

    Five days ago I noticed a long and narrow (0.4cm x 2.5cm) bald strip on top of my rescue boy's tail. I had him for two years and sometimes in January and February he does a bit of barbering on his haunches but it is always a minute patch and a very superficial one at that. I may be wrong but...