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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. ARPena415

    Sick chinchilla and how I nursed him back to health

    Hi everybody! I wanted to share an interesting story about my chinchilla and myself. Hopefully this can help somebody else in the future! (Please do not take this is as me NOT recommending proper veterinary care) In November of 2024 I decided to bake my chinchilla some treats with a recipe I...
  2. ARPena415

    Husbandry and Fur Chewing

    Hi all! I have been struggling with my single boy chewing his fur chronically for about a year and a half. We have seen many doctors, have had many tests run (fungal tests, xrays, bloodwork), and have had topical flea medications applied twice. I wanted to bring this up because NONE of his...
  3. ARPena415

    Tiny brown bugs in Timothy Hay

    Hello all, Very recently I noticed a few small bugs crawling on the bag of my Timothy Hay. I keep the bag inside a large plastic bin. I've never seen them before so I'm going to empty the large bin and sort through the sealed bags of extra toys that I also keep in there! I don't want to panic...