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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Milo10

    The Handbag Thread!

    That like Milo when I pick her up! :) She only does that with our one puppy that we have! I LOVE Handbag!!!!
  2. Milo10

    Looking for a little insite! Please help!

    Thats why I was asking the questions.
  3. Milo10

    Looking for a little insite! Please help!

    Ok, So I want to get a hedge hog. I have 1 chinchilla, and I was planning on getting the critter nation the double one. I was wondering since that can be divided if one can go on the top and the other can be on the bottom? Also, could the chin and hedgie play together? Would Mazuri be ok to...
  4. Milo10


    lol..... I know.. It was scary, I have my permit right now, and I don't even want to drive now that that happend! Maybe that will change, But for now, I just don't know.
  5. Milo10


    I know!
  6. Milo10


    We went by ambulance to the ER. I have a badly bruised shin and knee, between my shoulder blades was swollen yesterday, my hand had bruises on it from blocking the glass that shattered, neck hurts, and my lower abdomen hurts from the seat belt. Boyfriends ok too, I actually got more damage then...
  7. Milo10

    Rock Candy Recipies??

    What about flavor's?? Do you just put the flavor in with the food coloring?
  8. Milo10

    Question about Banana Chips?

    Yea, everyones ok, I have some bruises and some swelling on my back, But I'll be ok :) My boyfriend doesn't remember anything, except leaving my house. He blacked out even before we hit the ditch bank. Took my 5 mins to get him to answer me. But hes ok too now.
  9. Milo10

    Eye Infection! :(

    I don't think it is. Milo didn't do this before she had her eye infection. The vet thinks its from the bedding, thats why I made her some fleece liners! No her cage has those in it and a pillow that she doesn't know what to make of
  10. Milo10

    Question about Banana Chips?

    Sorry I haven't gotten back on to check this yet! I was in a roll over car accident with my boyfriend lastnight! I was just asking to double check! Thanks your guys! Milo hasn't had any sweets since the 2nd week I had her. When I took her to the vets november 15 she weighed in at a pound! NOW...
  11. Milo10


    So 4 nigths ago if you would of asked me what I was thankful for, I would of told you that I'm thankful to be alive today! And I'm thankful that Bryan is and that I have such GREAT parents! Lastnight, Bryan and me were going to Pinny Food Center. He wasn't speeding, He hit a deep puddle with...
  12. Milo10

    Question about Banana Chips?

    I know about the no dried fruits or veggies I was just reading about chin owners feeding their chins banana chips. Just wanted to make sure! :)
  13. Milo10

    Question about Banana Chips?

    I've read on a bunch of different sites that Banana Chips with no added sugar are ok for chins to have!?!?!? What is your thought on this?
  14. Milo10

    Rock Candy Recipies??

    I've looked online for them, but all that pulls up is rock candy on a string, The ones that you can watch grow. :( Does anyone have of their own recipies that I could borrow?
  15. Milo10

    :) Making my first 3 fleece liners today!!!! :)

    I'm doing the no sew method for now! I need to buy a new needle for the sewing machine and need to learn how to sew! :) I will be sure to post pictures!!
  16. Milo10

    :) Making my first 3 fleece liners today!!!! :)

    I've been going to stores and things like that to look at the fleece that they have and I finally found some that are cute! I will be making my first 3 liners today for Milo!!!:thumbsup:
  17. Milo10

    ? About fleece liners!

    ok! thanks you guys!!
  18. Milo10

    ? About fleece liners!

    Ok, thanks! :)
  19. Milo10

    Sewing Machine!

    I will look at it some more tomorrow :)