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  1. Milo10

    Mason, The Bunneh

    lol, no he wouldn't let any male pick him up. And he started biting.
  2. Milo10

    Michael Vick wants a dog.

    I hate that! I hate animal abuse! I'm a animal lover! You may not know it, because of what I put, But if murders get a second chance and most of them do. Then I believe Vick deserves one too. Yea he was fighting his dogs and helping kill them. But thats just what I think. Some murderers do...
  3. Milo10

    Mason, The Bunneh

    :) I LOVE lop Eared Bunnies! I used to have one. We had to give him away, because he wasn't to found of letting my brother pick him up. In fact my bunny didn't like any males picking him up!
  4. Milo10

    Michael Vick wants a dog.

    If the US Goverment ever feels that abusing animals is just as equal as abusing a human being. Personally I don't think they care enough about animals to make a law like that. They've seen what dog fighters and any other animal abuser can do, and they've done nothing!
  5. Milo10

    Michael Vick wants a dog.

    The only reason UKC does not recognize American Bullies as its own group yet. Thats why they are registered as APBT. I have a american bully that is training to be in agility trials right now, She can run just fine without having to stop to breaths. They all have free run on the property. They...
  6. Milo10

    Michael Vick wants a dog.

    Actually, the American Bully was created through years of selective breeding. By combining the desired traits of the UKC American Pit Bull Terrier and the AKC American Staffordshire Terrier. So their not mutts. The American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and American Bullys...
  7. Milo10

    Michael Vick wants a dog.

    If you look at Jeffrey Dahmer, He started out by killing animals. He impaled the heads of animals he killed and put them on stakes in his front yard. He also liked to use acid to take the meat off of dead animals. And then it escalated to killing men. Those two are connected.
  8. Milo10

    Michael Vick wants a dog.

    IMPO I would never get a APBT because of the gameness that they have in them. Yes I do own pit bulls But a different type of pit bulls, American Bullies is what they're called. Their thicker and they don't have that drive to go after other dogs. Game dogs are more dog aggressive.
  9. Milo10

    Sewing Machine!

    lol... I'm thinking about saving up and getting myself a brand new sewing machine! :)
  10. Milo10

    How to tell if Chin is pregnant or has mated

    When I went to The Vet School at MSU, They had one of those cows there that had a plug in its stomach. They had us put long gloves on and feel inside the rumen! It was really weird, but really cool!
  11. Milo10

    Michael Vick wants a dog.

    This whole thing with Micheal Vick does make me question how many other NFL Athletes are involved in dog fighting?
  12. Milo10

    Michael Vick wants a dog.

    Vick can't get another dog! The judge told him that he could never own a dog again
  13. Milo10

    Michael Vick wants a dog.

    I'm 18
  14. Milo10

    Michael Vick wants a dog.

    It doesn't matter anyways. I just did some more research and the court said that he would never be allowed to own another dog. Maybe my mind will change with more research. But I do respect the old dog man! Because without them we wouldn't have the Pit Bull! BUT LIKE I SAID IMPO! The
  15. Milo10

    Michael Vick wants a dog.

    Its different, Murderer's get put away! People who abuse animals and fight them are in prison for a couple months to a year and have to pay a certain amount of cash for the deed they did. Obviously he was giving a probation and can't have a animal until after it is up. Until the law changes...
  16. Milo10

    Back Sleepers?

    She sleeps with her feet up in the air too! Its funny, But I was a little worried. Only because I didn't know if that meant something was wrong or not.
  17. Milo10

    Michael Vick wants a dog.

    NO! I wouldn't, I would be seeking them out to smash their heads in! But that was my opinion. If you didn't like it Ash you didn't have to respond.
  18. Milo10

    Michael Vick wants a dog.

    Maybe he admitted it then... But as said he can't get a dog until his probation is up, and he said in the future, It doesn't mean right now. People can change and opinions can change, give him time! Thats all I'm saying.
  19. Milo10

    Michael Vick wants a dog.

    I have 6 pits and I would never do anything to hurt them! They are my babies! They have every shot a dog can get. They go upstairs and sleep with my brother and sister and me! I'm a animal lover! I would do whatever it takes to stop dog fighting! But theres only so much you can do! He didn't get...
  20. Milo10

    Michael Vick wants a dog.

    Well- thats my opinion! And where has he admitted doing this? Because I would love to read it!