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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Milo10

    Putting together a List of chinchilla safe items to give to Soldans PEt Store.

    Let me know if I missed anything or if I should add anything :) ~ Oxbow Chinchilla ~ Mazuri Chinchilla Diet ~ Oxbow Hays ~ Lixit Water Bottles ~ Critical Care ~ Chinchilla Safe Wood
  2. Milo10

    URI Help!

    Just wanted to let you all know that Milo is doing good! She's on Baytril now and it seems that shes getting better! Shes eating the CC off of the spoon and is eating as much as she wants, But she still won't eat her food. Gram scale says she does weight 365g. As soon as she gets over this URI I...
  3. Milo10

    URI Help!

    I will get her in. I just went and got her some gas drops.
  4. Milo10

    URI Help!

    I know that she could possibly die from this. But I have high hopes for her! Look at what she has already gotten through. I have been here for her the whole entire time. Shes a strong chinchilla and we will get through this! I don't care if you thought that I wanted the Terriymycin for my...
  5. Milo10

    URI Help!

    I'm going to go get a gram scale today. My moms a nurse, I'm a vet assistant.
  6. Milo10

    URI Help!

    Laurie told me to feed her 10ml every 4-8 hours. I have my alarm on my phone set to certain times so I will get up during the night to feed her too.
  7. Milo10

    URI Help!

    I don't have a problem with hand feeding milo! Milo is like my baby! If anything seems not right with her I take her to the vets. I asked for the Baytril because I didn't the like the effect that it had on her. I started handfeeding her when I noticed she hadn't touched any of her food in her...
  8. Milo10

    Online products

    :) I was just there last weekend and looking at things for milo! They have activated charcoal and the Natural Brand Probiotics. I'll have to stop there again to pick some up. Thanks!
  9. Milo10

    Online products

    Stacie what brand of probiotics do you use?
  10. Milo10

    Online products

    My mom and the vet are very close, and the vet actually told my mom that it was the same thing. We talked with our vet before we purchased the Keflex. Only because Zeus one of our dogs always gets staph infections, He gets 500mg 2x's a day. That doesn't expire until the 2012. We only buy the...
  11. Milo10

    Online products

    Also the Fish Medicine on page 15 is the same thing that they give to dogs and cats, just so you know. The keflex thats used to treat staph infections is the same thing that's used to treat in dogs, cats, and humans. The metronidazole is for GI Tract Infections, they also use that for dogs and...
  12. Milo10

    Online products

    We have that same magazine. I'm looking at getting some of the Terramycin Ophthalmic Ointment For when milo gets another scratched ulce and some of the Benepac.
  13. Milo10

    URI Help!

    The ear infection never came back, but she did get another scratched ulcer. I asked the vet to put her on the Terrimycin because last time Milo was on the Baytril for the inner ear infection she didn't want to eat anything like now.
  14. Milo10

    URI Help!

    I only put a little in her mouth at a time, let her chew and swallow and then put more in.
  15. Milo10

    URI Help!

    Shes not eating either.. let me go weight her. At the vets she weighted .9 pounds Looks like she weighs .8 now so about 362 grams
  16. Milo10

    URI Help!

    Ok, So A few days a go I noticed Milo had some discharge from her nose. I took her into the vets and they said that she has a Upper Respitory Infection. They put her on Terrimycin and flavored it with some Karo Syrup so she would take it. The Vet said that the med should not make her not want to...
  17. Milo10

    Baking Wood?

    Thank you guys!
  18. Milo10

    Ordering mazuri online?

    I'm gonna check on ebay for some in bulk. Maybe try that?
  19. Milo10

    Toys your chin just won't touch

    Hmmm... Milo won't touch those finger trap things!
  20. Milo10

    Baking Wood?

    So what if I also wanted to bake some just for Milo to chew on??