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  1. Milo10

    Our newest baby, Blue Titanics Xena!

    I know! Thats my favorite picture of him! Out all our dogs, zeus has the biggest personality!
  2. Milo10

    Our newest baby, Blue Titanics Xena!

    So, we got Xena Home saturday night, she was scared because of being on the plane. Shes warming up to us and our other dogs! These are the pictures we took when we got her home! And these are our other doggies! This is the order of the pictures. Mya, Rebel, Storm, Xena, Zeus.
  3. Milo10

    Favorite Chin Treats

    Hey RDZCRanch- How do you do the whole wheat thing as a snack? Do you boil them or just give them to the chin raw? I just boogles my mind, everyones just been telling me to give Milo Cheerios, rosehips, shredded wheats. By the way, Milo is now jumping on her ledges, I guess it was because I...
  4. Milo10

    Our newest baby, Blue Titanics Xena!

    Well, in a couple hours we're going to pick her up from the airport. So I hope she arrives safe too :)
  5. Milo10

    Our newest baby, Blue Titanics Xena!

    So apparently, shes flying in tonight! af 8:40! My mom didn't know until 2:30 in the
  6. Milo10

    Our newest baby, Blue Titanics Xena!

    Thanks you guys! I will put more pictures up when we get her!
  7. Milo10

    Our newest baby, Blue Titanics Xena!

    Shes blue
  8. Milo10

    Our newest baby, Blue Titanics Xena!

    I know!! I can't wait!! :) I'm so excited!
  9. Milo10

    Our newest baby, Blue Titanics Xena!

    :) I'm pretty sure my mom was dying over here waiting to see what first pick picked! The lady asked her if she wanted it to be a suprise like when she was having her
  10. Milo10

    Our newest baby, Blue Titanics Xena!

    She looks like shes gonna be another naughty :) I love naughty puppies though they keep you busy and your never bored!
  11. Milo10

    Her favorite part of the day!!! :)

    No, I don't let her sleep with my pit bull, She likes to cuddle up to her. Well, this is how she was acting before the ear infection. And she was asleep until I took a picture of her, and didn't relize it was on flash. If anything was wrong with her, I would be taking her to the vets.
  12. Milo10

    Our newest baby, Blue Titanics Xena!

    My mom and us run a kennel that consist of American Bullys, we have 5 right now and are adding one more to our gang next weekend! This is Xena!
  13. Milo10

    Cyber Monday deals...

    :) Not just Cyber Monday, Cyber Week! My mom bought Milo a Critter Nation 162 Cage for Milo for X-mas and it should be here in about a week!!!! :) I'm so excited!
  14. Milo10

    Her favorite part of the day!!! :)

    Milo is well, Shes not falling over when she runs anymore, not seizing, or circling :) She was laying like that while she was sleeping, thats how she would lay before the ear problem too. The vet checked her all over last time she was in last week, and looked at the inside of her ear and...
  15. Milo10

    Her favorite part of the day!!! :)

    she loves to cuddle! And shes in love with my dog Mya! Mya lets Milo cuddle up to her and everything! Everytime I go to get a picture Milo moves. :)
  16. Milo10

    Her favorite part of the day!!! :)

    Milos favorite part of the day is cuddlin up behind me in my blanket and falling asleep, While I check everything online for one last time :)
  17. Milo10

    Favorite Chin Treats

    Milo LOVES Cheerios! She snatches them right out of my hand. From what I understand those Dandelion Yogurt Treats are NO good for chins!
  18. Milo10

    Questions about Critter Nation?

    No, shes acting just fine. She just doesn't want to jump up onto the ledges. The vet checked her out a week ago and said that she was really healthy. She was jumping right before she started to have the problem with her left ear. After I took her off the baytril she just wouldn't jump anymore...
  19. Milo10

    Questions about Critter Nation?

    I'm getting Milo a critter nation cage for christmas and I would like to have all the stuff that I need for it on hand, So if anyone could help me that would be nice :)
  20. Milo10

    Questions about Critter Nation?

    Ok, So since Milo has been off of the baytril she has not been wanting to jump up on anything in her cage that she has right now. I was wondering about getting some covers for the ramps. What do you think?