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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. firestar

    Z7 and Z8!

    won't load for me either :(
  2. firestar

    Fuzzy is Pet of the Day!

    home sick today - that photo is just what i needed!! thanks & what a cutie inkeduptara!
  3. firestar

    You Know You Own/Are owned by Chinchillas When...

    when all your co-workers save you their toilet paper & paper towel tubes for you to bring home for the fur balls to play with
  4. firestar

    Facing the Wall

    raz does this too!!! i thought she was just a weirdo, but apparently this a a "norm" for chinnies. raz will put herself in the corner & hang onto the cage bars... adorable!
  5. firestar

    Z7 and Z8!

    congrats!!! looking forward to seeing photos of the little balls of fluff!
  6. firestar

    my new little girls!!!

    just wanted to show off photos of my 3 new little girls - coming from megan of summit hills, pa!! they're not home with us yet, but will be soon -- having a hard time waiting for them to be old enough! one is a light ebony, the twins are standards. hurrah for new chinnies!!
  7. firestar

    Hello Everyone

    welcome!! thanks for posting photos & videos - little wally is adorable! i'm glad my kiddos aren't the only ones who manage to coat the whole house in dust with their enthusiasm for bathing.
  8. firestar

    Roadtrip Checklist

    i'd bring your chiller if gizmo enjoys it - one of my females absolutely loves hers, so it'll be going in her cage when we move. how do you guys go about buckling in cages without having somebody chew on the seat belt? i have a new car & have no problem with animals being in it, but want to...
  9. firestar

    Need Opinions - 2 more Chins?

    i've always told my hubby that if we don't take them in, imagine what kind of crappy household they could end up in & show him photos of the little ones... and poof i get my fuzz butts!
  10. firestar

    Babies! Babies! Babies!

    i had to laugh that you have chins named ketamine & valium!!! that's hilarious :)
  11. firestar

    New FN142 cage, now what?

    there's a DIY thread on how to make your own cage accessories if you're feeling up to the task. i got my dens, tunnels & hammocks from fuzzies kingdom, they also have treats that are organic if that's your thing. good luck & welcome to the FN club!
  12. firestar

    New Rescues!

    congrats! you're such a guardian angel to take on 2 tripods in need of love! the girls look so happy in your snuggle house photo - you're already working your magic!
  13. firestar

    Is he really watching t.v.?

    mine love "two and a half men" the comedy w/ charlie sheen. anytime it's on, we have 3 alert faces mashed up against their doors trying to get a better view until we move them :)
  14. firestar

    A bit of the "chin" topic....

    i had a dwarf holland lop & she had a huge dog crate for a cage. however she was only kept in her cage at night, she had free roam of the house during the day because somebody was always home & she was our only pet.
  15. firestar

    The Sensational Purple Peep!

    i think you need to start a sign up sheet for everybody to take turns bringing little peep home. or put a security system on him, i may try stealing him; he's gorgeous & adorable beyond words!! congrats!
  16. firestar

    Raisin Has Passed

    oh i am so sorry for your loss - there is nothing like the pain of losing your first pet. don't feel guilty for putting him to sleep, it's the best thing you could have done for him, to let him go in peace, without suffering. i've seen too many owners who wait too long & you feel so bad for the...
  17. firestar

    # of food bowls?

    thanks for all the advice everybody - i'll see if one bigger bowl works :)
  18. firestar

    "Special" chinchilla..:D

    wow, i thought i just had a "special" chin... she does the same things everybody here is describing... and she's white! good to know all whites are just oddballs!
  19. firestar

    Whisker Madness

    zero shows off his whiskers
  20. firestar

    Chinchilla Tattoo!!!! :)

    nice tattoo! i have a pair of paw prints on the back of my neck. people really seem to be less judgmental about animal related tattoos than other ones. you healed up really well!!