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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. firestar

    New present :) tee hee

    i have the littlest pet shop chinchilla stuffed animal from ebay :)
  2. firestar

    The Ferret Nation Club

    is it possible to add the FN143 to the FN142 and have it be connected so my spoiled chins have 3 levels? or is the 143 just meant to be a separate cage that sits on top of the 142 for a space saver?
  3. firestar

    The Dreaded Chin Ban

    i told my hubby coming into this marriage, if you marry a vet tech, you marry a zoo! there's always going to be more animals than people in this household :) he pretends to fuss but ends up loving all our animals & spoiling them rotten!!
  4. firestar


    yup!!! raz loves to roll upside down on a regular basis. mallo cup does it only at night, on a rare occasion. haven't caught zero doing it yet, but he's a sneaky one!
  5. firestar

    does his fur get darker??!

    whew! i thought it was just me going crazy - i've been saying the same thing about our mosiac!
  6. firestar

    whats this all about??

    my female does this to her neutered male cage-mate sometimes... he typically goes & takes a bath after. i think it's just her way of telling him his hygiene is lacking :)
  7. firestar

    Mini Shop-Vac at Wal-Mart for $19

    so has anybody found a vacuum that can handle more than a few pieces of stray hay without clogging? this is my biggest peeve about being a chin-mom. i have no problem vacuuming daily, i just get frustrated with having to take apart my vacuum every time to remove hay-balls.
  8. firestar


    boo! my attachment failed!!! i apparently fail at attaching photos. there was supposed to be a photo of my male doing the same face-smashed-into-the-bars pose. sorry!
  9. firestar


    sending you chinnie kisses back!
  10. firestar

    Mini Shop-Vac at Wal-Mart for $19

    how is it for sucking up hay? my kiddos love throwing hay outside their cages & it clogs my regular vacuum. let me know! if you say it works, then i'll be getting one for sure!!
  11. firestar

    Meet Little Scarface

    aww congrats! he looks like a snaggle-tooth, how sweet! he looks very happy to be part of your family :)
  12. firestar

    Chinchilla keeps eating bedding - is this safe?

    i started with carefresh too, and also had a female who liked munching on it. she seemed to only do it when bored, but it was enough for me to switch to fleece. my hamsters love the carefresh though :)
  13. firestar

    day two and im sure they are already messing with me

    my hubby says the same thing about our neutered male whose cagemate is a female!! he'll be thrilled that somebody else has his sense of humor :)
  14. firestar

    Surprising 'tricks' and talents.

    mallo cup has learned that the tower fan in the living room ruffles her fur, so she always comes running when it gets turned on. for whatever reason, she loves having the fan blow on her belly - even when it's cold. she gives the stink eye if we walk in front of it, as if to say 'how dare you...
  15. firestar

    Double Ferret Nation!

    i'm drooling over here! i would love to hook up two sets of FNs to spoil my kiddos!
  16. firestar

    Do they recognize you?

    two of our chins follow my hubby around during playtime & start running around the cage when he comes home. zero loves sitting on my chest while i hang out on the couch but won't hold still when the hubby gets him out.
  17. firestar

    Bathtime Pictures

    awesome action shots of the nose rub & dust shake!!
  18. firestar


    during playtime tonight, mallo cup ran up to my husband & took the glasses right off his face & ran off with them - not once but twice!! what's the craziest thing your chin has run off with?
  19. firestar


    eyelashes & fingernails seem to be very tasty...
  20. firestar

    One Male/Female OR Two Males or Two Females?

    i have a male/female pair that was supposed to be both males. zero was quickly neutered & is now back with his wifey. hair ring checks don't bother me at all, but they give my husband the heebie-jeebies. my females are very well behaved, whereas zero can be a bit snippy but he just thinks...