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  1. Narcissus

    Gas Drops

    you just give a full dropper. The size doesnt matter, simethicone isnt a medicine that can overdose a chin. It just coats the stomach and intestines. You cant really give them to much.
  2. Narcissus

    Adisa is sick

    I'm not asking you to justify anything to me. I simply stated my opinion that as pet owners/breeders we have a responsibility to our animals to get them veterinary care when necessary.
  3. Narcissus

    Adisa is sick

    where there is a will, there is a way.... i've driven 4 hours to see an emergency vet leaving my house at 1am because none of the vets close to me would even look at a sugar glider. we as breeders( and pet owners) have a responsibility to do everything we can for our animals. if I were you id...
  4. Narcissus

    A friendship in ruin.

    he will forgive you, give it time. he was scared
  5. Narcissus

    Digging in food

    I bought a triangular rabbit feeder. it is hard to explain, but it is a gravity feeder. wide at the top and small at the bottom. my chibs hsve to pick the food out piece by piece. it has stopped the food waste ( I have several diggers) I bought them from a rabbit breeder who was getting rid of...
  6. Narcissus

    Somone made an oopsy

    if your breeding... I would think you should know how sex them already. Breeding isnt a game, it takes a lot of work and research should be the first thing.
  7. Narcissus

    Large wood lot and Edstrom valves/collars/misc

    that would be awesome, please let me know!
  8. Narcissus

    How to stop him from chewing?

    "A wallboard panel is made of a*paper*liner wrapped around an inner core made primarily from*gypsum plaster. The raw*gypsum, CaSO4·2 H2O, (mined or obtained from*flue-gas desulfurization*(FGD)) must be*calcined*before use to produce the hemihydrate of*calcium sulfate*(CaSO4·½ H2O). This is done...
  9. Narcissus

    How to stop him from chewing?

    I was mostly just pointing out that dry wall in a house will have been primed and painted. Which isnt good for chins. I was just stating that I had never heard of it before. What you feed to your bunnies is totaly up to you.
  10. Narcissus

    How to stop him from chewing?

    im not to sure about feeding rabbits drywall, I guess that is a personal preference. The rabbit breeders I know dont do it. But, chins chewing on drywall in a house is not good. There is paint and primer on the drywall. You can stop the chin from chewing but you can make a play area that doesn't...
  11. Narcissus

    Old chin owner with a new chin issue

    I have one girl who used to spray me every time I walked past her cage. I made it a point to reach in and pick her up everyday. She sprayed me a lot, but I just ignored her and picked her up by the base of her tail. after about a year of doing this everyday she has come to understand that...
  12. Narcissus

    Old chin owner with a new chin issue

    I personally think every chin is worth trying for. Even if she never likes being touched, she deserves to be loved. I would give her some time to adjust to her new surroundings. She might just be one of those chins that is flighty. Not that im defending the breeder you got her from, I didnt see...
  13. Narcissus


    I wouldn't give it to him untill you have had him for 6 months. That will ensure he is 6 months old at least. he will be ok with out a wheel, but if he is to young it could cause problems for him.
  14. Narcissus

    Strange dynamic between my chins

    I personally would separate them and not risk it anymore. Pirate is obviously being aggressive, regaurdless of why, it is dangerous. I would separate the two before Westly gets hurt seriously.
  15. Narcissus

    Large wood lot and Edstrom valves/collars/misc

    how much are you asking for the show feeders, supplement dishes and the collars together? also do you know what shipping would be to 83204?
  16. Narcissus

    For those of you who use collars on your females...

    i also use a scream driver to spread the rivet. Although, i have one male who likes to help his girls get their collars off. i had to switch his girls from rivets to brads and haven't had a problem since.
  17. Narcissus


    as far as i understand it... and i could be wrong. But i believe that once they have giardia they will always test positive for it. the body can normally keep it under control, it is when the chin is stressed or its immune system is comprised that the giardia will flare up again. so i believe...
  18. Narcissus

    Fleece Lining Filler

    when i used fleece liners i just always used another layer of fleece in the middle. it absorbed well. the only thing i suggest is when you wash them don't use fabric softener.
  19. Narcissus

    For those of you who use collars on your females...

    I kept thinking my girls were relaxed to, but the ladies with the ultra thick necks can really "puff" up. I hold them by the base of the tail, and set them on a counter so that they try to get away from me which in turn makes them stretch out. The fact is, if they are getting them in their...
  20. Narcissus

    For those of you who use collars on your females...

    If they can get them in thier mouth then they arent tight enough. I know with my big girls they like to scrunch up their neck while im touching their collar so that I dont put it on so tight. I wait untill they stretch out to check if the collar is too tight.