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  1. Narcissus

    Need help sexing a kit

    The space isn't very big. But that looks like a penile cone to me. There is no slit where a female would have an opening to urinate.
  2. Narcissus

    Need help sexing a kit

    Looks male to me...
  3. Narcissus

    Arm chewing

    I have used tinactin foot powder in the dust bath before to cure fungus. It isnt that expensive.
  4. Narcissus

    Please help me!!! Very weak lethargic hedgie!!

    I dont have hedgehogs, but my advice would be to get her to an exotics vet immediately.
  5. Narcissus

    Leaving chins alone for days

    I won't comment on others ideas of what is safe or not. I will say that for me and my chins this is what I do. If I'm spending one night away, and will return early the next day, I just fill feeders and waters, give extra hay and chew sticks. If I'm going to be gone any longer than that I have a...
  6. Narcissus

    New baby :) pics and a question!

    Cute! Yes, he is a TOV ebony :)
  7. Narcissus

    Newborn Kits Fighting

    Start by rotating. Mom is gonna take a couple days to get her milk in.
  8. Narcissus

    New Chin owner in Washington.

    The issue with the cats, even if yours do not intend to hurt the chins, is cats can carry pasturella. This doesn't affect the cats, but it is deadly to chins. It is best to keep the cats and chins seperate during play time because of the health issues. Although your cats may not intend on eating...
  9. Narcissus

    What Happened to Them?

    Was it summer time?
  10. Narcissus

    Hetro beige or beige violet?

    You shouldn't be breeding a chin with out a pedigree. Why wouldn't a "good" breeder give you a pedigree for a chin you intended to breed?
  11. Narcissus

    New Chinchilla Dust

    IMO. Not only would this not be healthy for chins, but it would discolor them under show lights.
  12. Narcissus

    Washington State ECBC Sanctioned Show 2014

    I can't wait!! I've got lots of growers, hoping they do well!!
  13. Narcissus

    Separating males from females.

    I have several male pairs in cages right next to females and have never had any issues. So I'm sure that across the room would be plenty far enough.
  14. Narcissus

    Constant humping

    Separate them, they won't let themselves starve. They will get over it
  15. Narcissus

    Pulling out fur!!!!!!!!!!

    Is he drooling? Is that why he is wet?
  16. Narcissus

    female was spayed yesterday

    Personally, I dont trust vets that much. I dont allow them to keep my animals overnight.
  17. Narcissus

    female was spayed yesterday

    After she has pain killers in her, she should eat. But always good to be prepared. Don't know why he fed her baby food.... strange
  18. Narcissus

    female was spayed yesterday

    Vet should have given you pain meds. If not, call and ask them to. My female did just fine after her spay, I didn't have to hand feed at all. Just kept her on fleece while she recovered.
  19. Narcissus

    Manna Pro Sho

    It's there any breeders in your area that feed mana pro? I thought Ryan did.
  20. Narcissus

    Introducing my chins

    Why not put the two males together and the two females together? They would hate cage mates and you wouldn't have to neuter the father.