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  1. Narcissus

    Who's Who...HELP

    You can use a sharpie marker on their ears and draw a number or symbol on it. It will eventually come off after several dust baths. After a while you'll be able to tell them apart.
  2. Narcissus

    Baby Chin Not Growing... PLEASE HELP!

    I have to disagree.... my ebony chins are se of my biggest shins. Ebonys can be slower growing and take lonher to reach full size. But breeding has a ton to do with size.
  3. Narcissus

    Cost for Malocclusion Treatment?

    If the roots have elongated then there is no treament. Teeth filings differ between vets and where your located at. But, in my expirence, I have found it is a losing battle. There is no fixing it. You will have to continue to have the teeth filed. It is my personal opinion that having the chin...
  4. Narcissus

    Playtime outside the cage

    Chins do not have to have out of cage play time. They will be just fine. Breeding chins do not ever get out of cage time. It isn't safe for pregnant females. Your chins will be just fine.
  5. Narcissus

    Washington State ECBC Sanctioned Show 2014

    Oh dear lord... it feels like we are never gonna be there! Due to a road closure we had to take a detour.... 12 hour drive is turning into a 19 hour drive..... boy I can't wait to get there!
  6. Narcissus

    How Often Should I Weigh My Chins?

    I weight once a month. I don't get concerned untill they have lost 25-30 grams. A full bladder can add 7 grams just by itself. I always weigh at the same time (morning,afternoon, night for example). If they have lost 30 grams then I start weighing that chin once a week. To watch the weight.
  7. Narcissus

    Rabbit food?

    I used to mix mazuri with purina rabbit Chow show. But the mazuri gave some of my chins loose stool. So now I just feed Purina Rabbit Chow show.
  8. Narcissus

    Baby Chin Not Growing... PLEASE HELP!

    If she is only 5 months old i would give her as many pellets as she wants. Free feed her. Young chins eat almost double what the adults do. Give her as much as she we eat.
  9. Narcissus

    Baby Chin Not Growing... PLEASE HELP!

    Some chins are just smaller than others. Do you have a scale to weigh her? Is she caged with other chins?
  10. Narcissus

    Help! Chin mom attacking her babies...

    I don't have any issues with my other females. I pick up babies the moment I discover them.... dry or still wet. My female was a first time mom, so I am thinking it was first time jitters. But, with this female I will wait a day or to before I handle her babies.
  11. Narcissus

    Help! Chin mom attacking her babies...

    I had a mom do this with her litter in march. She attacked them and I had to foster them out. She just had another litter two weeks ago. I didn't take the babies pit to weigh them. I just left them alone. She has been just fine with them.
  12. Narcissus

    Breeders in Iowa?

    I know of a breeder in nebraska..... but that's as close as I can think of
  13. Narcissus

    types of hay?

    Chins are gonna waste... that's just how they are. They take a couple bites and then throw it down. They do the same with pellets. Timothy is important for their teeth and wearing them down. But try mixing different types of hay in with their timothy. It will keep them more occupied. Possibly...
  14. Narcissus

    How did this come about?

    Technically.... Sullivan beige is a recessive. But i don't think many breeders are working with it in the US. Let alone a small hobby breeder...
  15. Narcissus

    How did this come about?

    Now that I can see the picture of the parents.... neither looks to be a pink white.... I would definitely question the breeder. Two mosaics can't produce a beige kit. One would have to be a pink white...
  16. Narcissus

    How did this come about?

    I forgot to add. When you have a chin who is a white mosaic or a pink white they are showing both dominate genes. White mosaics show both standard and white. Pink white show both beige and white. Because white is an incomplete dominate gene it allows some (a little or a lot) of the other...
  17. Narcissus

    How did this come about?

    Standard and beige are NOT recessive genes. White is an "incomplete dominant gene" which is why you get the "mosaic" look when white is involved. For right now, you need to forget the term "wilson white". It is making it confusing. Wilson white and mosaic are the same genetically, those terms...
  18. Narcissus

    Male Chin Introduction

    It is to late for quarentine now... the chins have had full body contact.
  19. Narcissus

    Washington State ECBC Sanctioned Show 2014

    It is going way to fast.... holy cow!
  20. Narcissus

    splitting up a family

    Regardless if you rehome any or all of them. They need two separate cages. Mom and daughter in one dad and son in the other. inbreeding and the males fighting is very dangerous. They need to be separated ASAP